Spirit War

[D9 - EN] A Gift for Tako (Sneaky)
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Author:  Mari [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  [D9 - EN] A Gift for Tako (Sneaky)

Making a mental note of the fact that she should not return to this neighborhood again for a long time, if ever. But there was business to attend to, wasn't there? And it seemed only fitting that if she was going to do this, that she was going to offer a little gift. No three refusals needed.

It was only right.

( General Stealth - 20 )

Author:  Mindshred [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 - EN] A Gift for Tako (Sneaky)

There was no sign of the eta that Mari had seen before; they seem to have been pushed out of their make-shift shack by some heimin.

Author:  Mari [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 - EN] A Gift for Tako (Sneaky)

A pity, she supposed. But in the end, it did not have to be that Eta. It didn't have to be a specific person. All that it needed to be was a sleeping soul, one whom the kansen could reach out to. Making a mental note of one of those people in the lean-to, she began to walk farther away.

Looking around for a tree, rocks and something to serve her purposes, she found somewhere a little out of the way. When she was reasonably certain nobody was watching, she knelt, rereading the scroll one last time. She was fairly certain of her memory but it was best to be safe. Rolling it back up, she quietly slit her palm and smiled to herself. Her voice whispered softly.

"Dear, sweet friends... give them sweet dreams. Tell them where they can find power. Give them a choice. I'm sure they'll be along soon..."

Rolling the scrolls once the spell was cast, she left them sheltered there and did not look back. Someone would find them one day, and with any luck? Use them. It was convenient for her purposes. They wouldn't be found on her person. As she started to stand, her wound was already closing once more, the rain washing away her sins...

( Stealthy spellcasting, Sinful Dream, +0.1 Taint.)
VP - Activate Ride the Water Dragon

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