Spirit War

[D8 - EN] Vigilance (Sneaky)
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Author:  Mari [ Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  [D8 - EN] Vigilance (Sneaky)

Again the streets were choked with the presence of those who slumbered in this place, finding shelter wherever they could. The desperate, unwashed masses were cleansed by the pervasive rain and the drenching downpour that filled the alleyways. Finding where the Eta of this town's refugees lived wasn't exactly going to be a difficult thing, since nobody wanted to be among the non-people, even in desperate times like this. But, wrapped in straw cloak and straw hat, Mari knew it wouldn't be that difficult.

Nobody walked in these places. Nobody really cared. They weren't people. She pitied that about them.

( Stealth - 20 )

Author:  Mindshred [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 - EN] Vigilance (Sneaky)

Every so often, refugees glance Mari's direction, though nobody seems all that interested in a ronin walking around at night.

Author:  Mari [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 - EN] Vigilance (Sneaky)

When she was further from the main body of those who were asleep, Mari made her way to where some of the people were asleep, where the eta were relegated. She did not care about the 'who' that was involved. She wanted only to ensure that she found one of the Eta, the lowest of the low, those who looked weaker and more destitute. When she had found one of them, she carefully and with incredible care and stealth drew out a scroll.

Relatively certain at a glance, she slipped it back into her cloak and whispered softly to herself. 'I am sorry for this, but it's not quite time yet, and you aren't really a person are you?' She kept her distance and made a quick, shallow cut, hearing in her ears the sounds of giggling that nobody else would hear.

( Stealth-Spellcasting - 47, Spreading the Darknes - 42, Contested Earth - 14)

As the spell went off, she focused her chi, closing her eyes, the blood dripping down into the pools of running water washed away from the rain. A split second of focus, and when she opened her hand she could see the wound closing up as if it had never existed. What would they say to see a stepping stone of enlightenment could be used like this? she thought to herself as she began to walk along her way, regardless of the spell's effect.

( VP - Free Action, activate Ride the Water Dragon to heal any damage from the spell. )

Author:  Mindshred [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 - EN] Vigilance (Sneaky)

The eta coughs a few times as the foul taint of Jigoku takes root in his soul.

Author:  Mari [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D8 - EN] Vigilance (Sneaky)

And as the kansen did what kansen were meant to do, she shrouded her features in her hat, knife and hand cleansed of blood in the rain. She flexed her fingers while she walked, barely noticed among the throng. Another face in the storm, off to hide their tools of the trade once again. No time for remorse... and besides, she'd lost that privilege long ago hadn't she?

Thank you, great Water Dragon. I wonder if you even know or care the things you enable.


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