Spirit War

The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)
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Author:  Osamu [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

The withdrawal from the former Castle had made arranging a time and a place for a tattoo more then a little difficult. Impossible was likely a better word, now that he thoguht abotu it. Still they had arrived at last at a new city and while they may no linger here long either, they at least had a measure of peace for the moment.

Sitting in the common area of his small suite of rooms, Osamu had set out some refreshments for guests, Sake, snacks, even a small pitcher of water. Though for the moment he hadn't partaken any sake himself, alcohol tended to make the blood flow thinner after all, and that would only make Mai's jobs harder. Taking a seat at the table, he picked up a piece of mochi and muched on it as he waited for his guests to arrive.

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

While it had been a long day, moving cities had been rather overwhelming to Wasako and it was hard to find her centre at another busy place, she wasn't going to miss this appointment to watch the Togashi ply her art. She entered with room and gave Osamu a tired smile, glad that he was able to survive the journey as well.

"Good evening, Osamu-san," she said before bowing politely

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

For this evening she would do as she was going to do for the rest of the night till she slept, practice her art. It was a wonderful opportunity and rife with excitement. Though this would hardly be the event of the night she remembered most, not near as exciting, it was yet a chance to gain greater practice and exploration with her art. For that she would, and does, remain grateful to Osamu in thought and spirit.

"Mantis-sama," Mai said upon entering the room, now standing just beside Wasako whom she turned to greet as well, "Mirumoto Wasako-sama."

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

She smiled at the appearance of Mai and bowed in greeting. "Good evening, Togashi-san, good to see you again."

With that said, she tried to find a place best to stand and watch. After watching Mai perform the art on herself, she didn't want to be in a position where mistakes could be made or the needle made more painful than they already are.

Author:  Osamu [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

"Togashi-sama, Mirumoto-Sama." Osamu greeted the two women with a bow as the entered the room. "Please have a seat, and help yourself."..he motioned towards the small table with refreshments as well as the comfortable cushions around it.

Of course they might wish to get right to work and skip the pleasantries.

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

"I have no need, but I thank you Mantis-sama," she said, indicating the food, "but I would not wish to rush an evening."

Walking into the room she accepted one of the offered seat. Casting a warm glance at Wasako, "It is a pleasure to yet see you both again, given all that has happened. In this spirit I have some time yet and would allow us to settle into things, besides, you yet have decided on what you wish to ask of me. Have you not, Mantis-sama?" she prods lightly.

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

She was pleasantly surprised by the refreshments and snacks that were laid out for this intimate event. The Mantis supposedly were rather wealthy supposedly, especially for a Minor Clan. Seeing that it was for them, she sat down at the table to see what was available. She did take water, despite sake being available, and helped herself to some rice cakes. "Thank you for the hospitality, Osamu-san. I didn't expect there to be rice cakes here, it was honestly enough for me to be here."

Author:  Osamu [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

"I have a few ideas, though I suppose we have to discuss their feasibility." Also whay may or may not make a ridiculous tattoo when placed on skin. Things were likely best if the were not literal translation of the scen but figurative one's instead? He was no expert on that matter though. "But yes, it is a pleasure to see you two, I have passed by Mirumoto-sama a few times already, but this is the first times our paths have crossed again Togashi-sama."

There was perhaps a touch of amusement in his eyes as Wasako took a rice cake and water, she was a woman who liked the simple things. That Scorpion fellow from the baths would probably scold her into tryign sake. It wasn't his place though. " I think I recall you saying you enjoyed them?" He said as he picked one up himself. "But you are welcome, it's the least I could do."

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

"Ah, yes, with the old man," she nodded sounded as she recalled when the last met. "It was a bit bewildering what happened but I suppose at least the old man wasn't alone after all. I couldn't imagine the long walk was going to be easy for him, even without carrying a sack of turnips!"

She took a bite of her rice cake and blinked at Osamu, speaking partially with a mouthful. "I did?! I mean it's right, so I suppose I did..."

Author:  Osamu [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

"Good to hear he had some family to aid him." Osamu offered with a nod. Though honestly he had paid little attention after his initial offer of aid.

"Well, I inferred that from something you said, so close enough, right?" She hadn't said she liked them, but it was the only thing she said she could afford. Which meant she either liked them or was disappointed with how poor she was. Osamu had suspected the first since she didn't seem to mind how broke she was.

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

They would speak of the tattoo when they were prepared, but for the moment as the two Samurai spoke Mai was content to lounge a bit. Rolling her shoulders, her neck, working out all the rough stiff spots there might be as much as propriety might allow.

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

"Perhaps a testament on your skills as a host, Osamu-san," she chuckled before taking another bite and finally chewing her food.

Now they're going to be watching me and see how much I end up taking... She thought to herself while chewing on a mouthful of rice cake, looking at both Mai and Osamu in turn.

Author:  Osamu [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

"Well, I suppose my sensei would be happy to hear someone comment so." He repleid with a shake of his head, his hand reachign for another mochi.

Turning his eyes towards Mai he smiled, or at least attempted to. "But to the tattoo work, since hat's what we are here for. I had a few vague thoughts on that, as I said. Perhaps something to do with the battle of a few days past, or with my normal business of battling stories to see vessels safely to shore?"

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

"Would you recount the tale for me, of either, Mantis-sama?" she asked, straightening her posture a bit.

Author:  Osamu [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

"I'm no great story talker, Togashi-sama. So don't expect anything to great from me. The story from the walls is the one most recent in my mind though so I suppose we'll start there."

He rolled his shoulders and paused for a moment trying to find the right words for the story. "We were on the wall, rain coming down in sheets. It was hard to see but you could hear the angry roar of the approaching army as they came streaming down upon us. I took the time early in the battle to call upon the kami to bless some of the other combatants before calling upon the fury of the elements to smite them myself. Our combined efforts helped turn the tide, and help hold the enemy forces when they finally made it to the gates."

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

Wasako took a sip of water and straightened in her seat to show that was all attentive for this story being told. After all, she was also eager to find out how this would be translated into a tattoo later on.

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

"Have you thought of where you might like this tattoo, Mantis-sama?" she asked, half in thought.

Author:  Osamu [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

I was thinking of starting on my other arm. He replied gesturing to his left arm. "Perhaps extending onto my chest if need be. "0

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

Tapping her cheek she thought for another moment, "May, a cloud upon your shoulder with the great storm underneath it and striking down your arm. Heavy winds interspersed with bolts of lightening as far as it might go. Do you wish for the entirety of your arm to be done, Mantis-sama?"

Author:  Osamu [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Art in Skin (Day 7 Early Evening, Invite)

That did sound quite nice and after a moment he nodded. "I wouldn't mind, but then again I don't know if you wish to spend that much time on the piece."

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