Spirit War

D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)
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Author:  Mari [ Sun May 03, 2020 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

Mari was still at what she had come to consider to be her primary task when not assisting the fighting. With the battle having shifted and the army ready to move on, the people who were trapped as refugees still required food to help mitigate their grumbling bellies, and the more that she kept at this, the better a rapport she might in theory have with them.

...it was kind of a natural survival mechanism, really.

For now, she was just out in the city streets, offering rice balls to any of the heimin who seemed in need. By now, with as often as she'd done this, there seemed to be some who knew to come looking for her.

( Successful Inari's Fortune Cast )

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Sun May 03, 2020 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

Yuko, followed by Ha, moved through the streets listening and talking to people, but mostly listening, trying to get a feel for the mood of the people.

She gave permission to Ha to ask for a rice ball from the priestess.

Then she approached and bowed. "It is a kind thing you do. This city and its people need more kindness."

Author:  Mari [ Sun May 03, 2020 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"Ah, -sama. Thank you," she said when the Moshi approached, bowing over to her. "I admit... I have been blessed in my studies to know prayers to Inari. Since I do not need food or myself because of that blessing usually, I do not see a reason to be stingy with the kami's blessings. I find that when the heimin are happy with me, few mind the presence of one more ronin."

"I apologize. I am called Mari." She eyed her curiously. Not a great clan member... but with a mon. One of the minor clans? Well, there were enough here, though she was neither Sparrow, Fox nor Hare. Those were the ones more common around her old home.

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Sun May 03, 2020 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

Yuka bows. "I am Moshi Yuko, of the Centipede, Priestess of Amaterasu-no-Kami, Mari-san."

"It is still a kindness, Mari-san," she says, "sadly my talents do lie in such a direction."

Author:  Mari [ Sun May 03, 2020 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

Oh, the Moshi. no, she'd heard of them, and the tie to Ameterasu was ... well, just about the only thing they were known for. Kind of like how Badgers were known for their... uh... rocks.

"You are a fire priestess then? No, I suppose that your prayers move in other directions than mine do, do they not?" she said with a mild smile on her face. "And I suppose it is a kindness even if I benefit. They certainly have no complaints."

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Sun May 03, 2020 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"How do you come to arrive in this unfortunate city, Mari-san?" Yuko asked as she watched the people go by.

Author:  Mari [ Sun May 03, 2020 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"From the west, by my feet," she said with a bemused little grin. "I had heard that Shiro Akodo was a touch inhospitable of late, so I skirted the city when I came in from Shiro Ikoma and the surrounding lands. I'd been working there in vassal territories before. Someone in the villages said there would be work in Nikesake... and they may have understated the case a fraction."

To say the least.

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Mon May 04, 2020 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

Yuko nods. "It seems that nothing is normal these days. But we must do our best to make things better."

Author:  Mari [ Mon May 04, 2020 1:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"War itself is normal, but the spirits of slaughter's presence in this realm is not. Such a thing is inherently abnormal. It will right itself, but only in time," she said, shaking her head soberly. "In time, we will return to a state of stability. I simply do not know when that will be."

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Mon May 04, 2020 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

Yuko hands a paper charm to a nervous looking peasant woman. "Well, we must do what we can to bring back normalcy. Though hopefully avoiding war. The Empire needs peace to recover and rebuild."

Author:  Mari [ Mon May 04, 2020 2:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"On that, we can agree. Much as I understand that clans will wage war from time to time, there have been too many upheavals lately, and I am concerned that others may come." She had a mind towards the northern border with the so-called unicorn already going north again. "But within the abilities I have, I will not promote further war hopefully."

No, that was definitely not the problem she fomented as a rule.

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Mon May 04, 2020 3:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"Well, the valley is always peaceful if you wish to visit someday,Matri-san," said Yuko with a smile.

"This one's opinions only carry slightly more weight but she, too, will be an advocate for peace."

Author:  Mari [ Mon May 04, 2020 3:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"I will remember that, should I pass through Phoenix lands. Yours are close to there as memory serves." In reality? She probably wouldn't go. She would have felt right bringing the kinds of gifts that she did to the lands of the minor clans. She had little in the way of real honor, but she did have some principle with the lesser clans. They didn't need that trouble.

"I should imagine so. I've heard only of your people's pacifism as a rule."

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Mon May 04, 2020 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"It is easy to be avoid violence when you live in a high valley protected by Amaterusu-no-Kami," says Yuko. "But once the murderous spirits have been sent back, hopefully all with see the value of a bit of peace."

"But I will not hold my breath." She says with a wry smile.

Author:  Mari [ Mon May 04, 2020 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"I would definitely not hold my breath, Moshi-sama. I can think of severfal conflicts very likely to emerge from events here, even as the question of the throne is put to rest." The Lion had to be eyeing the lands that they had just been forced to vacate, after all, and the shadows of the past lingered on such things, which only rankled her more.

"But we will see. Perhaps everyone will prove tired for a time."

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Mon May 04, 2020 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"A peace of exhaustion is still better than war," says Yuko, "and may give time for passions to cool and common sense to take hold."

Author:  Mari [ Mon May 04, 2020 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"It will leave matters to politics and ancient feuds in any case. That would give them a brief pause before returning, especially if the emperor demands a time of peace." Which, for very different reasons, she suspected any of the three probably would want. But it was hard to say if they would actually do it.

"How long have you been in the city, Moshi-sama?"

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Mon May 04, 2020 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"Only a few days, our path to safety took us on a winding journey," Yuko replied.

Author:  Mari [ Tue May 05, 2020 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"So I had been told. It was mere happenstance I think that our paths ultimately crossed, and when the conflict ends, I suspect our paths will separate once more, as is the way of such things." It seemed always to be the way of things, but she preferred it like that. Too long in one place was hazardous.

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Tue May 05, 2020 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D12 LM - Have you had rice? (Open)

"It seems that the high tide of danger has receded from Nikesake but it will flow somewhere else," she sighed. "Though I am not entirely happy with that metaphor."

"If it would not be too much trouble, might I ask you to keep in touch? There is so much happening in the Empire it is hard to keep track of it all. Your perspective would be valuable."

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