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Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) https://spiritwar.fallenash.com/viewtopic.php?f=103&t=790 |
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Author: | Kaiu Maiya [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:34 pm ] |
Post subject: | Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
Having arrived just after the dawn (and therefore her breakfast), Maiya set about doing some warm ups and some kenjutsu practice. She made a choice to set aside tetsubo training yet that didn't mean she hadn't set down her actual tetsubo off to the side of the dojo. En route she'd heard that the enemy were drawing near. After this she decided it would be best to start wearing her armour all the time; even when inside the walls. There was no telling when some advance agents of the enemy might attack. The Kaiu Wall was much more impressive than the walls Nikesake had, but it was a regular occurrence to find all manner of nasty things somehow circumventing it. Surely this city and its castle were just the same. Using a bokken to beat a very unfortunate training dummy the young Crab bushi was working up a healthy morning sweat. She'd tied her kimono sleeves up to really allowed her to move. She wasn't exceptionally skilled, but she was well practiced. Controlling her breathing the samurai-ko kept hacking at the dummy left and right without pause. It made a steady litany of sound that meshed well with the every present patter of rain. |
Author: | Mirumoto Wasako [ Sun Apr 19, 2020 1:10 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
Despite the urgency in the air, Wasako hadn't exactly escalated her dress in any way as she didn't exactly really have much on her to begin with. She would arrive a bit later after Maiya had begun her routine and practice with the dummy. Not wanting to disturb her quite yet from her exercises, she would make her way over to the shrine to pay her respects to the local ancestors and the dojo space. She then quietly made her way over to the rack of bokken before picking one up herself after inspecting the condition of a few. "Good morning, Kaiu-san, sorry to keep you waiting," she said as she bowed in greeting. |
Author: | Kaiu Maiya [ Sun Apr 19, 2020 1:42 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
"Mirumoto-sama!" The Crab was happy to hear and see the Mirumoto woman. A work out put her in good spirits. She was always more energetic with her blood pumping. Stopping her practice and turning around quickly she moved toward Wasako to give her a bow in greeting. "Good morning." She flashed a friendly smile. "Ready to sweat?" |
Author: | Mirumoto Wasako [ Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:43 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
She didn't know what to expect from the woman, especially never having sparred a Crab before, but at least her enthusiasm was infectious. "I suppose I am, it seems that you're very ready for this. You did mention that fighting was your hobby. Do all Crab like to fight?" she asked out of genuine curiosity. |
Author: | Kaiu Maiya [ Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:03 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
"Maybe not the Yasuki, but most of us." Maiya answers back swiftly with a chuckle. "Keeps us fit and on our toes." Bouncing on the spot the young woman looked around to remind herself how much space they had. Plenty. She eyed Wasako again as she settled down. "We have lots of room. Maybe the first to three hits? I usually use a bokken, but I'm fine with a shinai too. Please stretch first. I have the advantage as I got here early." |
Author: | Mirumoto Wasako [ Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:34 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
Wasako was perhaps glad that they didn't just jump right into sparing immediately, although it looked like Maiya was ready to go at a moment's notice. "Oh, of course. I merely didn't want to keep you waiting but I am more than happy to take this opportunity to properly stretch. First to three hits is the traditional route, we can go with those terms and shinai is more than fine with me." With that, she made her way back to the rack to replace the bokken before beginning her warm-ups. It first started as conventional stretching but she later transitioned to a basic hand to hand kata. |
Author: | Kaiu Maiya [ Sun Apr 19, 2020 6:58 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
"Hai, Mirumoto-sama." The Crab joined her in picking up a shinai. Her bokken was returned to the racks. She passed the time with some stretches and watching Wasako's kata. It wasn't one she recognised. |
Author: | Mirumoto Wasako [ Sun Apr 19, 2020 7:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
It wasn't a fully practical kata, perhaps one more focused on breathing and meditative exercises. She would move her hands gradually and would transition of her stance at the same pace. |
Author: | Seppun Horonigai [ Sun Apr 19, 2020 7:53 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
I'm late. Kusodareee... Thinks the dutiful Miharu getting near the dojo with her equipment in hand. She takes some time to properly place sandals, dry herself up and adjust her plain white kimono and brown hakama. With all the ceremonies to honor the dojo performed, she scans for potential training partners and notices the armored Crab with a raised eyebrow. "Ohayou gosaimasu, minna-san. Seppun Horonigai-desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu." She bows to both and asks, "May I train with you, please?" |
Author: | Mirumoto Wasako [ Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:15 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
Wasako perked up at the appearance of the Imperial and halted her exercises to bow to her politely. "Ohayou gozaimasu and it is an honour to meet you, Seppun-sama...this one is Mirumoto Wasako and that is Kaiu Maiya-san. I don't think we would mind if you joined us at all and please do," she said while looking to Maiya for confirmation. |
Author: | Kaiu Maiya [ Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:57 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
The usually armoured Crab was just in a kimono this morning. That would begin to change once she heard about some of the day's 'excitement'! She observed the newcomer and dipped her head to the womanly quietly without interrupting her dojo honouring. Even with Horonigai's plain clothes there was something about her that spoke of high status and good breeding. It made Maiya, an insignificant Crab bushi, instinctively feel a little wary. She'd heard many tales of such types and they were all cautionary in nature. When the woman moved to greet them as Wasako was finishing her kata she therefore gave a deep bow. She didn't want to risk causing any offence. She's a Seppun?! Her wariness increased a fraction. And she wants to train with us? What to say?! Maiya peeked to the Mirumoto. The Dragon was, she'd assumed, more important than her. It was only right that she respond first. The Kaiu bushi hoped she'd be able to handle the extraordinary situation well. Sorry Mirumoto-sama. As Wasako spoke she followed her lead. "Ohayou gozaimasu Seppun-sama. It is an honour." She adds with a second very deep bow to the Imperial. |
Author: | Seppun Horonigai [ Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:03 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
"Yosh!" She cheers with a bouncy nod and hands on her waist. "What's the drill, minna-san?" |
Author: | Kaiu Maiya [ Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:09 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
Maiya kept her head down and let Wasako continue to lead with things. That might change if Wasako prompted her or looked in distress. However, from what the Crab had seen so far, the Dragon woman had a remarkable ease in conversing with strangers. |
Author: | Mirumoto Wasako [ Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:37 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
Wasako nodded readily at the idea from the Imperial, gesturing to the dummies that Maiya was working with earlier. "We could do a drill to start things off to practice our strikes on the dummies and then put those into use with a spar later on? Kaiu-san here had a very impressive run earlier with her drills." |
Author: | Seppun Horonigai [ Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:39 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
She nods, inquiring, "Which jutsu –– Ken?" Horonigai moves to the dummies and waits for further instructions. She also mentions. "A spar would be great." |
Author: | Kaiu Maiya [ Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:53 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
"Ano, some exercises and stretches first is a good idea." Maiya shyly pipes up. "S-Seppun-sama." |
Author: | Mirumoto Wasako [ Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:21 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
Wasako looked to the demeanour of the Kaiu and she supposed the Imperial could be scary, she did have rank above both of them combined! She found it was a bit strange as well but tried to move past it. "Oh, hai, as Kaiu-san wisely said. We're more than willing to wait until after some exercises and stretches before sparring." |
Author: | Seppun Horonigai [ Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:25 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
Horonigai nods obediently and follows up. Excited eyes gleaming, ready to start. "HAI!" |
Author: | Kaiu Maiya [ Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:45 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
As the Imperial got ready Maiya threw Wasako an uncertain look. Sparring with an Imperial? She hoped that would be okay. When the Seppun indicated she was ready Maiya gave a nod. "Mirumoto-sama shall lead and I will assist. She has lead training before." |
Author: | Mirumoto Wasako [ Mon Apr 20, 2020 3:53 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Blue on green spar (Day 8 EM) |
Wasako found herself rather surprised by the great enthusiasm of the Seppun but at least that reassured her that she willing to follow along. "I have, although training full samurai is another matter. Let's just start with warm-ups to be safe, ne? All right, from the top then..." She started with a bow and went with basic exercises, rather than what she was doing earlier. At her count, she placed her hands on her knees and bent them on rhythm. |
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