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Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] https://spiritwar.fallenash.com/viewtopic.php?f=101&t=633 |
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Author: | Togashi Mai [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:39 am ] |
Post subject: | Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
Sat and set up in the audience, Mai held the needle in her hand with the ink pots set out around her sporadically. There was little time on the march, little time for rest, and she spent when time she afforded herself otherwise helping those that she could. Now, that charge was in the hands of others and she had snuck ahead into Nikesake faster than most that she might come to this place. Where philosophers and other intellectuals gathered to debate, though it was yet early she hoped she might find someone and something interesting to listen in on as she worked. Applying but the finishing touches to her own tattoo. |
Author: | Matsu Mogami [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:36 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
Curious to explore a little of the city before turning in at the Shiro, Mogami and her Budoka made their way into the Blue Tiled Room, having heard a few folks on the way discuss how it was an excellent gathering spot for intellectuals to discuss varying topics effecting the Empire. When she gets inside, she notices the Togashi with all her tattooing equipment, and she lets out a sudden quiet gasp of joy. She walks up to the woman carefully, and when she seemed to be at a stopping point she cleared her throat to make her presence known and bowed, her budoka doing so as well, only lower. "Excuse me, Togashi-san. Might you be Togashi Mai?" |
Author: | Togashi Mai [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:42 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
That. Was. A. First. Stunned, Mai took a moment to collect her thoughts, composing herself as she shifted the needle away from her skin. Coming back to herself she reoriented her sitting position for a more comfortable conversational one, not yet done but far too unable to continue for the present moment. "H-hai, I am Togashi Mai," she said, looking the woman over. Uncertain, but perhaps she should be embarrassed? "My apologies Lion-sama, if we have met prior to this I have allowed my memory to fail me." |
Author: | Matsu Mogami [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:52 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
"No, no, you have not met me. I spoke with another of your order, Togashi Tsukimi. I asked her quite a few things about the tattoos your family wears, and if she knew anyone who would be willing to perform the art on me. She mentioned your name. I saw that you had the look of long travel about you, so I assumed you had came here with us from Toshi no Omoidoso" Mogami looks at the scene she is currently working on. "Oooh, it's so pretty!" |
Author: | Togashi Mai [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:57 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
"Thank you Lion-sama, your praise of my work is appreciated," she says, holding our her arm so that Mogami might gain a closer look. "I had thought to begin the work when Asako Kashiwagi-sama made a request of me, and I wished to show him some fresh work. Though it was yet unfinished, as it is now, when he saw it that served the purpose even better to show how a tattoo might form over time." Then, the focus, "You say you sought me out to have yourself tattooed Lion-sama? You yet have me at a disadvantage but I would be quite willing to discuss that further." |
Author: | Matsu Mogami [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:01 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
"Ah, forgive me. Excitement has overridden etiquette. I am Matsu Mogami. I led part of the archery defense before we moved here." "I would indeed like to have you use me as your canvas. I had an idea for a scene, but your family member, Togashi Tsukimi said that we do not always get what we want though, and that the tattooer takes whatever inspiration comes to them at the moment. The more I thought about it on the march, the more the idea gained hold of me." "I think being an artists canvas, letting them express themselves, and to permanently show their work to the world would be an incredibly honor." |
Author: | Togashi Mai [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:37 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
"May, I would almost have to second guess to which of us has devoted themselves to the pursuit of this art to hear the passion with which you speak Matsu Mogami-sama," she said, containing the smile that the warmth she felt would normally deliver. "There is much to the art, and we will have plenty to decide, but before I say more allow me to confirm in no uncertain words that as it is your wish Matsu Mogami-sama I would create a symbol of your tale from ink as you desire. Come," she says, patting a place for one to sit beside her, "I shall continue to finish my work here and we will speak more of what it is you seek." |
Author: | Matsu Mogami [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:39 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
Mogami sits a small distance away from Mai and watches her. "Well, my own desires I have set aside. At first, I thought a scene of a rolling plain with a sunrise, but the more I thought about it, I really want you to just do what comes to your mind. What sort of information would you need from me to inspire you?" |
Author: | Togashi Mai [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 12:23 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
"You have told me what you envisioned yourself already, and that is a step I would ever ignore. However, if you would tell me your tale?" she asked, setting herself up to begin her work again. Sitting crossed legged she lay her left arm, the arm she was to work on, down between the nook made by her legs. There she held her arm steady as she prepared the needle once more, cleaning it off with a cloth to her side and dipped it into the ink pot once more. "Speak of a moment where you feel yourself defined," she clarified, "what it meant to you. What it means to you." |
Author: | Matsu Mogami [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 3:52 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
Mogami puts a finger on her cheek and things, closing her eyes. "It must have been when I was given Tsuruga and Fuwa to lead ad train. My father, General Akodo Takarada had long said he wanted me to someday take his place, but up until the day he assigned me two Budoka, it never quite felt like an achievable dream." "But then he assigned me them, and not only did it feel like the goal was achievable, it also made me realize what it truly meant to lead. To have people to care for. People who would give their lives for you. People you were utterly responsible for." |
Author: | Togashi Mai [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:41 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
As she worked so she listened, "Would you speak more of your father? Perhaps what he means to you, how you feel about his desire for you to take his place some day?" |
Author: | Matsu Mogami [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
"He was Akodo Takarada, a General for the Akodo armies. I did not get to spend much time with him as his duties had him busy more often than not. From an early age though he recognized more of me in him than my Matsu mother and had me be the first in my mothers family to ever attend a non-Matsu school." "As far as his desire, I believe that my calling in this world is to lead, and to protect and uplift those underneath me. A good leader treats their soldiers as equals, though that is not a sentiment that many, if any in my clan believe. Ashigaru and Budoka are thrown away carelessly. I dislike that though and believe there is a better way." "Fuwa and Tsuruga both have best chosen to serve me for example, instead of being pressed into it. I offered them just the other day their freedom to live on my family estate and provide them with an income to life comfortably, but they refused. Should all my soldiers eventually be the same, I would have one of the greatest fighting forces in all of Rokugan" |
Author: | Togashi Mai [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:04 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
"Thank you for sharing, Matsu Mogami-sama," she says, inflicting another patch of color, wiping her arm with a cloth and then pausing to look appropriately at Mogami. "I must ask for some time to think on it, but I believe I have come to some ideas that may be appropriate for you Matsu Mogami-sama. Where might you wish for the tattoo to be place, Matsu Mogami-sama?" |
Author: | Matsu Mogami [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:55 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
Mogami shrugs a little. "I have not given it thought. Much like I have decided to give you full choice of what you wish to put on my skin, I also give you full choice of where. I am your canvas, Togashi-san" |
Author: | Togashi Mai [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:38 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
"You give me ever greater amounts of freedom Matsu Mogami-sama," she bows her head, "thank you for your trust. I shall endeavor not to disappoint." "When shall you like my visit them, Matsu Mogami-sama? As a Togashi, a monk and artisan, I am most flexible with when I might arrive. As a warrior, daughter of a general, I may only assume much is expected of you. Perhaps, then, on that notion it would be best you might send for me, Matsu Mogami-sama?" |
Author: | Matsu Mogami [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:10 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
"I am willing to meet at any time, provided our duties do not get in the way. Shall we plan for something tomorrow? I am not sure how much time you need to prepare." |
Author: | Togashi Mai [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:13 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
"Tomorrow will be acceptable," she nods happily, but furrows her brow. Looking to the ink pots she raises one and ponders for the moment, tapping the other end of the needle tool against her cheek. "May, I will need to take a moment and create more of the ink at this rate. Yet these are worries for another time and place," she thought aloud. |
Author: | Matsu Mogami [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:58 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
"Is there something I can do to help with that? Resources? I would happily patron you for your gift to me" She gives a full smile "Also, I believe that should you be working on something so intimate on me, you should be able to call me Mogami." |
Author: | Togashi Mai [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:20 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
"May, if that is your reason alone I would prefer to refer to you as proper Matsu Mogami-sama. Oft it requires spending much time together and it is the exchanging of words at that time which may yet make it a more intimate affair. However, I would not begin to wish it to be thought the art itself is of an intimate nature. 'Less there be those who would fail to then see the art for the practice it is." "Given time I would be gladdened to refer to you as such, Matsu Mogami-sama, but I would not wish to give you any less than propriety would demand of me." |
Author: | Matsu Mogami [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:27 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Togashi Do What Togashi Do [Day 7, EM] |
“If that is what you prefer, then please, whatever makes you comfortable, Togashi-san. I am curious though, why do you say that the art itself is not intimate? Is not all art an expression of ones soul, laid bare for all to see and critique? What could be more intimate than that?” |
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