Spirit War

Nikesake (D3 Announcement)
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Author:  Mindshred [ Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Nikesake (D3 Announcement)

As the sun starts to set in the west, the residents of Toshi no Omoidoso begin to notice a faint red glow to the east. The forces of the Steel Chrysanthemum are glowing in the faint light, and it soon becomes clear that the army that broke upon the city was not the main bulk of the Steel Chrysanthemum’s forces, but rather its vanguard.

With much of the town’s food supplies having been opened to feed the refugees from Morikage Toshi, Shimizu Kendo makes the difficult decision to issue an evacuation order. The city is left with a core group of defenders (and those too stubborn to leave) to delay the Steel Chrysanthemum while the rest of its residents travel westward under cover of night, towards Nikesake, where they can mount a defense and stall for the arrival of the Imperial Legions.

(Evacuation begins Late Evening – the next IC day will begin in Nikesake.)

OOC, due to the victory on D3, Toshi no Omoidoso will not fall to the Steel Chrysanthemum. He will be forced to go around it.

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