Spirit War

Hollow Throne: The Wiki-ening
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Author:  Togashi Myo-en [ Tue May 12, 2020 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Hollow Throne: The Wiki-ening

I'm now enabled to create wiki accounts too, woo!

Anyone with an interest in editing page(s) for your PCs, adding PC literary or dramatic accomplishments, etc. etc. who hasn't got a wiki account yet can go ahead and PM me on this forum. Let me know what email address and username you would like to use. (You can't self-register, because spambots ruin everything, so Hida Goro or I will have to help with that. After you're registered, you have the run of the place.)

Click here for the glorious Hollow Throne wiki!

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Tue May 12, 2020 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hollow Throne: The Wiki-ening

I fully recommend doing this, especially if you have time to spare and/or waiting for a game to start. Even if it's just to add a picture and a blurb (which I admittedly only done for now), it does a lot to colour the wiki.

There are sure a lot of red entries and missing ones too.

Did you know? By making a page and throwing in the correct links, you can retroactively populate some previously entries? I feel that's pretty amazing (but I'm probably easily amazed). You can start networking your character profile and achievements.

There is a bit of a learning curve but I figured out in the course of an hour or so. There's also a guide here.

Protip: It helps to copy someone else's 'homework'.

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