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 Post subject: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2020 8:04 pm 
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Mari hadn't slept particularly well. She'd had business to address late at night, so she'd only gotten a modicum of rest. It was enough to avoid bags under the eyes but she didn't feel refreshed. However, with the armies departing, and the forces of the Imperial Legion preparing to make their assault in the coming weeks, she knew that there would be limited chances to do a few things, and... well...


She didn't like leaving certain matters unaddresed. So, she'd approached the Dragon Embassy and announced herself, asking for a bit of the Dragon Ambassador's time, provided that she would see her. And after that, she simply waited at the entrance quietly, gnawing at the bottom of her lip.

Ronin Shugenja * Bland * Earth * Yarnspinner
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2020 8:38 pm 
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The servant had been a moment in returning. Assuming she wasn't busy, Mari had known that usually Poemu would have given a reply as promptly as possible. All the same, the reply was to have Mari enter, and shown to Poemu's room.

Upon entering, Mari was passed by bowing servants, just finishing setting out a second place for breakfast. Poemu was standing, and offered a bow and a faint, distant smile before looking to the side. "Mari-san, ohaiyo, You should have sent a letter, and I could have had t hings set before hand. Please, have a seat and join me."

She sat as well, looking down as she poured tea for both of them.

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2020 8:45 pm 
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She was... admittedly, a little surprised when she was brought back to Poemu's room. Her eyes had scanned the hallways and the room to ensure if there was a bodyguard on duty. It wasn't that she intended to try anything... funny today, but it never hurt to know if a Mirumoto with a sword was standing by, just in case. It meant two sets of ears after all, requiring a bit more circumspection when she spoke.

She returned the bow and coughed apologetically into her hand as she took the seat that was offered. "I apologize. I find letter writing a bit difficult here. Perhaps if I am in an inn next time, I'll have a good place to sit and write properly. It wouldn't have done to send something dirty with the road." She breathed in an out for a second. "You are looking ... well today. Are you feeling in good health?"

That was perhaps the most circumspect she could manage to be considering their last meeting and the abrupt departure.

Ronin Shugenja * Bland * Earth * Yarnspinner
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2020 8:56 pm 
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Poemu looked up with a faintly sheepish smile after she set down the tea pot. "I am well, arigato for worrying. I apologize for my abrupt departure the other day. Perhaps the heat of the bath was getting to me. I merely did not feel well very suddenly. I have recovered quite well though, I promise."

She looked down into her tea cup as she took a sip.

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2020 9:08 pm 
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"I... probably should have allowed you a little bit more room to breathe. I doubt that would have helped the heat ovemuch, -sama. But I'm glad you are feeling better. A larger bath might have been best." Which was a round-about way of getting at the whole probably shouldn't have been leaning in like she'd been a dog in heat. It was always so fun to phrase these things carefully.

She was breathing the aroma of her cup softly, and for moment looked a little unsure what to say next, frowning some at her tea cup.

Ronin Shugenja * Bland * Earth * Yarnspinner
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 8:39 pm 
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Poemu didn't say anything to that for a long moment. Finally, after a sip of tea, she smiled. "Arigato, Mari-san, for your concern. So! Where are you off to now that the siege is lifted? I am to return to Dragon lands this afternoon, but you had no set path, hai?"

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 9:08 pm 
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Mari blinked, coming back to herself. Ah, right. Samurai. She was probably avoiding the topic where someone could overhear, wasn't she? An offense that nobody remembered couldn't have occurred. That was what her mother had explained once before. It was ... she'd never been good with that. She understood how to put just the right inflection into her words that nobody doubted her much, but court itself was hard to comprehend.

Now then. Questions. She'd been giving different reports to everyone, hadn't she? Anything from the coast, to down to Otosan Uchi, over to Kyuden Asako. A thought occurred to her and she glanced over at the woman for a moment. "I've thought about visiting your clan's lands as well... though I hadn't quite decided if I wanted to approach across the river into the Dragon's Heart Plain by way of the Phoenix's landss, or if I wanted to backtrack to the south and approach through the foothills towards Kyuden Agasha. Do you have a recommendation?" It wasn't an overt inquiry of 'which way are you going' but it it was an opportunity if Poemu chose to take it to either point her in the opposite direction or suggest the same.

Ronin Shugenja * Bland * Earth * Yarnspinner
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 9:21 pm 
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"The only way I can really recommend is through the Tonbo lands. They are the gateway to Dragon lands after all, and the gatekeepers, so to speak. I am certain it wouldn't be too much trouble. If you wished, I could leave word with them about your coming." She smiled warmly, head tilting curiously.

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 9:59 pm 
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She nodded. "What about Heibasu, out in the east? I though the Phoenix were supposed to trade out there? Though I suppose the way you mentioned would be the main way into the mountains."

Wait a tick. "You'd would leave word on my behalf in your lands, Agasha-sama? Forgive me... but I haven't exactly given the best presentation of myself since we've met. Why would you do that for me?" It was easy to pretend like this was just about her involvement in the conflict as a healer, not about other things.

Ronin Shugenja * Bland * Earth * Yarnspinner
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 11:06 pm 
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The Agasha shook her head softly. "Perhaps you haven't, as you say. While I am a bit naive sometimes, I realize that you have been somewhat... sarcastic and befuddled by me on and off. That said... none of that means I do not think you are a good person at heart. I cannot even begin to guess all the troubles that have made you the way you are, but I will still believe that there is something honorable and true that you seek. If that path takes you through Dragon lands, if your answers lay there... what sort of woman would I be if I didn't do all I could to help you?"

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 11:16 pm 
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She looked... wounded. There was a sadness in her gaze and she laughed a little into her hand. I am not a good person... and you are too trusting. The look on her face faded quickly and she smiled softly, taking a sip.

"I dare say, you might look with kindness on a bandit with an arrow knocked, Agasha-sama. People like you are ... rare," she said, managing a little laugh. "I am a well mannered wolf, but I am still a wolf. We are predators by our nature, but I am only different because I remember my place in the scheme of things. Most others rail against it and feel themselves worthy of something greater, so they struggle against their fate. There is ... something founding in embracing the truth of what you are. But it does not make me good, even if I can feel compassion for those in need."

She sighed a little and glanced away. "I do apologize though. You're a good person, Agasha-sama. I do not see many of those anymore, and I don't feel I've treated you as one ought."

Ronin Shugenja * Bland * Earth * Yarnspinner
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 11:37 pm 
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Poemu smiled faintly. "No... you are right, you haven't. And yet... if I have been wrong, if you are truly a bad person Mari-san... then I believe that karma will catch up with you on its own. Why should I do anything but try my best to see that I can find the best within you?"

She gave a soft sign, saying nothing else. She knew that there wasn't much more she could say. She felt they had both said these words over and over.

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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2020 11:46 pm 
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That made her smile ruefully. "I am what I am, and what I am is what my duty demands of me," in her own strange way, she meant those words. "But you are right. Kharma finds us all in the end, and we reap the fruit of the seed planted in the soil of our souls and lives. I don't deny my harvest, and I doubt you do either. Still, I felt you were owed an apology."

She paused a moment and glanced away. "You know... your husband. He is a lucky man, Agasha-sama. I hope he realizes that." The rueful grin was still there. "If I promise to behave myself, would -sama wish the services of a healer travelling northward? I imagine your kin would appreciate knowing that you are returning safely to their lands before your next assignment."

Ronin Shugenja * Bland * Earth * Yarnspinner
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 7:58 pm 
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"I would not turn you away Mari-san, of course you may accompany me." Poemu's tone made it sound matter of fact. "It is likely a few Dragon will accompany me as well, but your company is always welcome regardless."

Dragon Clan ~ Senior Diplomat ~ Atsumaru Vassal ~ Imperial Trained ~ Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 9:53 pm 
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"I would expect no less. Under the circumstances, I can only imagine that the Dragon must assess how to approach their relationship with their neighbors carefully while keeping diplomatic envoys available." Which was to say 'probably want this fight to finish and the Lion to figure out which side they were actually on before sending a diplomat to their current clan seat of power.' It was a bit... chaotic.

"I can remain in the city until your entourage departs, though it sounds like you will not be tarrying very long, will you?" Which suited her well enough.

Ronin Shugenja * Bland * Earth * Yarnspinner
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 10:25 pm 
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"No, we should be leaving later today to be honest, to get back to Dragon lands as soon as we can." Poemu gave a faint smile. "Not that I imagine news hasn't gotten back, but a bit more first hand observation would be nice."

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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 10:40 pm 
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"I will conduct a little business here in town and depart with your entourage then. It will put us well ahead of any conflict that occurs, I'm certain. Thank you for having me along. Though I know you'll be busy throughout, I will enjoy having the chance to speak when it is possible."

And... lucky for Poemu, she was sufficiently abashed and just concerned enough about keeping up appearances that the Agasha wasn't going to have any weird dreams at all... well, that he created using kansen anyway.

Ronin Shugenja * Bland * Earth * Yarnspinner
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 10:58 pm 
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Poemu nodded, smiling honestly. "And I you, as long as you behave. I will let my yojimbo know to expect you Mari-san."

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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 11:04 pm 
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She smiled a little and then bowed. "I should depart. You and I will have business to attend to, you far more than I, before we depart. I will return here later to meet and depart, by your leave of course Agasha-sama."

Ronin Shugenja * Bland * Earth * Yarnspinner
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 Post subject: Re: [D13 EM - Dragon Embassy] Awkwardness (Closed)
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 11:09 pm 
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Poemu stood and bowed. "Of course. Return here by early afternoon if you can. I planned on having lunch before we left, and you may join us Mari-san."

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