Spirit War

Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]
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Author:  Togashi Tsukimi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

The rainwater dripped down her wide-brimmed straw-hat as she observed her surroundings. It wasn't the best roof, but it offered a different viewpoint than usual. Not often did she see horses like that in the stables.


Tsukimi shifted on her perch at the roof of the Unicorn embassy. Life seemed easier when viewed from above.

Author:  Moto Akemi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

Akemi had gone to the stables to visit some of the horses, as well as reward the huge Otaku steed that had brought them here. She had picked out some apples, letting the horses each pick a piece. Smiling under her blue umbrella as she did so.

From above, she would appear more Crane than Unicorn - especially with her clothes having blues and purples.

"See, Lion apples are just as good as Unicorn apples" she told the last horse with a chuckle, running her fingers through the horses wet mane "maybe we should arrange for some covers. I don't want to see any of you getting wet while you're trying to peer out."

Author:  Togashi Tsukimi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

The scene made her smile. It was a little glimpse of something pure and mundane in a day of political intrigue and deceit.

The young woman seemed like such a mystery, she couldn't help but to move from her perch. Tsukimi landed in a soft fall, but it still made a splashing-like sound from the rainwater that was gathering in muddy puddles.


D9 LE Fluffy athletics roll: 6d10o10k3 24

Author:  Moto Akemi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

There was a time where Akemi wouldn't have even noticed that someone had jumped down near her. However, she wasn't quite as clueless as she was before. Plus the horses reacted, which gave her a hint that someone else was around.

Akemi turned, noticing someone, and gave the woman a bow from under her pretty umbrella.

"Oh, hello! Are you looking for someone? Or here to see the horses? They are really big horses, ne?"

Author:  Moto Baatar [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

Moto Baatar was in the stables as well, tending to Horse, who demanded constant babying. He started as Tsukimi fell to the ground with a splash, starting to reach for his sword before recognizing her. "Oh! It's you. Umm.. what are you doing?"

Author:  Togashi Tsukimi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

Tsukimi did look very intently at the horses.

"Oh... sorry. I should have taken the slower way down," she offered a bow to them both. "Moto-san, it's good to see you again. Your embassy's roof offers a very good view of this part of the city."

Another fascinated look at the horses. "My... I can understand why the Unicorn care so much for their companions. They're quite majestic."

Author:  Moto Baatar [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

Togashi Tsukimi wrote:
"Your embassy's roof offers a very good view of this part of the city."

"Really?" Baatar asked curiously. "Were you able to see anything much while up there? I may have to try climbing up there sometime."

Togashi Tsukimi wrote:
"My... I can understand why the Unicorn care so much for their companions. They're quite majestic."

"Yes, horses are the best!" he enthused. "They're fast, and strong, and smart, and they help make the Unicorn the best warriors in the world." He patpatted Horse, who made a small whuffle noise at the praise, which was only what he justly deserved, after all.

Author:  Moto Akemi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

Akemi chuckled.

"You were on the roof? What was it like? I kind of want to go up there now."

She smiled, looking at the horses.

"They are. It was one of the first things that shocked me upon my first visit to the Unicorn. I never felt smaller than standing before an Otaku steed."

She turned back to the woman.

"I am Moto Akemi. It's an honour to meet a friend of Baatar-sans, even if you may have startled him a little."

Author:  Togashi Tsukimi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

"I could see small moments of joy and kindness - which in itself is much needed sights in these troubled times, Moto-san. If you want to see the world from a different vantage point, it is a good place."

She figured she didn't need to tell him to be careful.

"I'm Togashi Tsukimi of the Ise Zumi Order, Moto-sama. Moto Baatar-san here have been doing his job in protecting the name and glory of the Unicorn since Toshi no Omoidoso."

Author:  Moto Akemi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

"An honour to meet you Togashi-san. You've made the rooftops sound appealing, I may have to ask the air kami to lift me up there. I wonder if the view compares to the tree I flew up in the shinomen? It'll have less trees in the way at least, ne?"

She peered at Baatar with a smile.

"I've heard only good things about Baatar-san, which pleases me. He is a brilliant warrior."

Author:  Togashi Tsukimi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

"There are certainly less trees, but there are many buildings here. Moto-sama is a shugenja?" she asked in a surprised tone... yet, it could probably explain some of the features such as white hair and blue eyes.

Author:  Moto Akemi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

"Hai. I was trained by the Asahina. My marriage into the Unicorn was quite recent" Akemi nodded "the Unicorn have been very welcoming, and I'm very happy to be a part of them. It's been...a unique experience, but I've learnt as much as I taught I hope."

She looked to Baatar for confirming of that.

Author:  Moto Baatar [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

Moto Akemi wrote:
"I've heard only good things about Baatar-san, which pleases me. He is a brilliant warrior."

Baatar beamed at the praise. "I plan to do a lot more fighting too," he promised. "With Steel Flower's army on the march, I'm sure we'll see more action soon."

Moto Akemi wrote:
"It's been...a unique experience, but I've learnt as much as I taught I hope."

She looked to Baatar for confirming of that.

"Ohh... um, yeah! Akemi has been great," Baatar temporized. "I mean, not everyone takes to kumis right away, but... well, that could've happened to anyone! But yeah, Akemi has taught me a lot about Rokugani manners and art."

"Though I'm... I'm probably not the best student," he admitted abashedly.

Author:  Togashi Tsukimi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

"It sounds like there is much harmony found between the children of Doji and Shinjo," she noted with a touch of happiness to her serene tone.

Then she looked questioningly at them. "Ku... misu?"

Author:  Moto Akemi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

Akemi had paled quite a bit at the mention of Kumi "it's a...Unicorn delicacy drink. Part of their traditions from the time beyond our borders. However it's...not well suited to the standard Rokugani diet."

Please don't ask...

"Already planning to go back to fighting Baatar-san? You have been a wonderful student, don't worry" she managed to smile, pushing past the kumi talk "actually, speaking of fighting, perhaps I can be of assistance with this? I have recently learnt a way to seal a spell within so it can be activated when the time is right. If Baatar-san does not mind being the test subject?"

Author:  Moto Baatar [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

"Kumis is good stuff," Baatar assured them. "It's pretty strong and not for everyone though, I guess a lot of easterners don't like it much."

Moto Akemi wrote:
"actually, speaking of fighting, perhaps I can be of assistance with this? I have recently learnt a way to seal a spell within so it can be activated when the time is right. If Baatar-san does not mind being the test subject?"

"Sure! I can use all the good luck I can get," Baatar said cheerfully. "What do I need to do? Do you need some hair or something? Should I face east or west for this?"

Author:  Togashi Tsukimi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

Tsukimi wasn't sure if she should believe the Moto or the former Doji the most in regards to this Ku-mizu. "Well, I'm sure we can share some when all this is over, Moto-san."

There, that was a good middle-ground, right?

As Akemi said she was going to 'test' something on her clansmate, the Dragon watched curiously, to see what would happen.

Author:  Moto Akemi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

Akemi shook her head at Baatars question.

"No, and if anyone ever asks you for such things such as hair or otherwise, always refuse them. Any magic that needs that I cannot imagine being good. I will call upon the elements of water and air to bless you."

She closed her umbrella, putting it to the side, before taking a spell scroll out.

"Please do not be alarmed by the strange bubble."

Akemi then began reading from the first scroll, walking out into the rain as she did so. There was a brief pause and a frown before she resumed again. She span on the spot as she did so, the water around her seeming to form into bubbles orbiting around the woman. She quickly slipped that scroll back into her bag, taking out another one. The wind picked up dramatically as she chanted, and both Baatar and Tsukimi could see a large vortex of air starting to surround Akemi, the girl now floating slightly in the air from the sheer power of the tornado. Akemi didn't look afraid though, she looked happy.

The vortex started to shrink, until it fit inside one of the bubbles that floated into Akemi as her feet touched the floor again. The now drenched priestess took out her final scroll, calling upon the magic of the water once more. The bubble that contained the vortex appeared to float back out of Akemi, and into Baatar.

"That...seems to have worked" Akemi took a few moments to catch her breath "when you most need it Baatar-san, whisper For Rokugan and the Air kami stored within that bubble will jump to your aid, released by the water kami. You won't be able to hear while you're protected, but the sheer force of the Air kami will protect you from swords and arrows. Do not say it now though" she chuckled.

(ooc: Striking the Storm with 3 raises stored within Baatar. Activated as a Free Action by the words 'For Rokugan'. Effect:
Your Armor TN is increased by +20 against both melee and ranged attacks. The force of the winds surrounding you prevents you from hearing others if they speak to you, however.
Duration: 6 rounds
Note - please put the above stored spell info in your PF and state where it came from (link to this post)
Rolls here
One air slot locked while this spell is stored within Baatar)

Author:  Togashi Tsukimi [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

Tsukimi watched the priestess perform the sacred rites, with a measure of awe and deep curiosity of the difference in their connections to the elements. Not even in her wildest dreams could she accomplish such a supernatural feat as seeming to conjure up a stormy vortex like that.

And then, the strange passing of the magic from Akemi into Baatar.

"Fascinating..." she remarked in an almost hushed tone, then looked to the horses to see that they haven't been terrified by the display.

Author:  Moto Baatar [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dragon On The Roof (Day 9, Late Evening) [PonyHouse]

"Wow!" Baatar said, visibly impressed with Akemi's display of magic. "That's amazing! So, when I go into battle, all I need to do is say, 'For Ro-' "

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