Spirit War

[D7 EA Scorpion Embassy] In the Scorpion's Den (closed)
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Author:  Bayushi Chen [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  [D7 EA Scorpion Embassy] In the Scorpion's Den (closed)

Chen made his way through the embassy bowing and nodding to those that passed, his easy smile on his face. He had arrived earlier today in the city and decided he should meet with one who had been here a little longer.

He made his way to Yogo Sukima's and announced himself to the servants and asked if Yogo-sama was able to receive guests.

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 EA Scorpion Embassy] In the Scorpion's Den (closed)

They soon show him into a meeting room where the red-haired woman dressed in white was waiting for him, a polite smile on her lips and tea ready. "Welcome. It is good to meet another of my Bayushi clanmates. I am Yogo Sukima. Pleased to meet you."

Author:  Bayushi Chen [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 EA Scorpion Embassy] In the Scorpion's Den (closed)

Chen bowed his voice was eager and energetic and he spoke "Yogo-sama thank you for having me, it is an honor to meet you!" He walked forward and bumped a near by object causing him to stumble a bit "Gomen Yogo-sama I have never been particularly sure footed."

As the servants left and they were left alone his demeanor changed entirely almost as if a veil were dropped. His smile flattened into a dull line, the sparkle of his eyes fell away to expose a profound coldness. Even the way he walked became more sure and confident.

He moved to her and bowed once more "Yogo-sama, this one is Bayushi Chen. I am at your service." His voice was different too more even and quieter, reserved a bit with just a touch of hardness hidden in it.

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 EA Scorpion Embassy] In the Scorpion's Den (closed)

The blinked for the moment at the clumsiness, then it all came together once the servants left. "I'm impressed. People don't think about the servants' presence nearly often enough," she noted before gesturing to the tea. "Please, join me."

Author:  Bayushi Chen [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 4:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 EA Scorpion Embassy] In the Scorpion's Den (closed)

He did as instructed in a fluid motion "servants have eyes to see and mouths to speak. They compromise cover as surely as an samurai. More so in my experience, as you say most people ignore them." Chen had seen many clumsy assassins lose their cover in front of servants or peasants and it lead to their undoing.

"Apologies for the little game, I prefer people think of me as incompetent. Weakness is the easiest disguise for strength." He said simply. His eyes and voice held little in the way of emotion.

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 5:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 EA Scorpion Embassy] In the Scorpion's Den (closed)

"They are both a danger and a resource for that reason," she agreed with a nod. She took a sip of tea. "I had a feeling. That's not an unwise approach."

Author:  Bayushi Chen [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 EA Scorpion Embassy] In the Scorpion's Den (closed)

he dipped his head briefly "Thank you Yogo-sama, I am glad you agree with this choice. It can be complicated at times but I have found it to be a great cover, no one suspects the inept bumbling fool." he took a sip of his own tea and made a small appreciative sound.

After a beat he spoke up again "I am yours to command Yogo-sama, should you need use of my skills. I can be your eyes, your blade in the dark." he said simply before taking another sip, it wasn't a profession of loyalty but rather a statement of fact, as if telling her the sky is blue.

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