Spirit War

Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)
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Author:  Kaiu Maiya [ Tue May 05, 2020 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

Announcing herself at the entrance to the Embassy, Maiya enquired if Mirumoto Wasako was present and if they could meet.

She was shown to a waiting room and given tea while her message was relayed. For once she wasn't wearing her armour. The threat had passed.

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Wed May 06, 2020 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

Wasako wasn't in the embassy initially, but she did eventually stroll back into the embassy at the conclusion of her street patrols. The danger was clearly gone but there were only so many things left to keep bushi such as herself busy around the city. She was perhaps surprised to see Maiya waiting for her and bowed politely to greet her. "Kaiu-san, good afternoon. If I had kept you waiting, sorry about that, this meeting might have almost slipped my mind."

Author:  Kaiu Maiya [ Wed May 06, 2020 2:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

The Dragon was being too polite. Maiya fumbled for a response.

"Ano, iie, Mirumoto-sama. I should have sent a message ahead. Gomen."

I need to remember to do stuff like that.

Feeling contrite, she shifted to return the Mirumoto's bow.

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Wed May 06, 2020 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

Wasako smiled at the Crab and gave a dismissive wave of her hand, "No, no, it's fine. Let's just say we had both equally made the mistake here. I think we've already been through much to fuss over the small things, ne?"

"But now that you're here, we could catch up, perhaps?" She made her way over to where Maiya had been sitting and joined her at the table, gesturing her to return to her seat if she had been standing.

Author:  Kaiu Maiya [ Wed May 06, 2020 4:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

"If you say so Mirumoto-sama, hai." She readily accepted the compromise and her voice turned to its usual light cheerfulness as Wasako joined her.

"Hai, please. It's been a little bit, ne? We don't have to worry about the siege anymore. It's a big relief. My cousin and I fought two tsuno. Now we have their weapons. The enemy used bulls too, ne? They were so brutal. I'm glad they're gone. Ano, how are you?" The chatty Crab asked in a flurry of chatter!

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Wed May 06, 2020 4:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

Wasako placed her hands on the tea-table after she sat down and found that it looked quite familiar, it could have been very well the same table they had used as part of a barricade just a few days ago. She shook her head from that thought and waved down a servant to bring her another cup of tea.

"At the present at least..." she smiled faintly before narrowing her eyes in concern. "You actually fought tsuno? How did that go? But, I did hear about the bulls, thankfully they didn't make it very far...As for me, I doing well. But I suppose I found myself busy, if not as eventful as you."

That was perhaps another story by itself, she was more interested in hearing what the Crab had to say.

Author:  Kaiu Maiya [ Wed May 06, 2020 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

"Oh, fine. I thought they were a big scary at first, but I overcame it and killed one. My cousin killed the other. A Scorpion shugenja helped with some strange spell that sent one into a confused fit of rage against the other. There was a Kakita too. Daidoji trained. He was pretty tough." Maiya responds in a whizz of energy and talkativeness. She was definitely in high spirits.

"I'm glad you're doing well! I missed seeing you. Ano, if that isn't strange to say. I don't exactly know many samurai in the City. If I could stay a bit longer I would have liked to become friends." She goes on to say, lifting her tea cup up to honour the Dragon. "You're good company Mirumoto-sama."

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Wed May 06, 2020 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

Her expression turned thoughtful at the story of slaying the tsuno, especially now that the Crab mentioned that there was a certain Yogo involved. She wondered if they had in fact slain the one who was responsible for killing Bayushi Norikami. There weren't any reports of other tsuno since that day, perhaps there were no others. She nodded soundly afterwards and even gave her a bow, "Thank you, Kaiu-san. I think you did very well there. That's hopefully a threat that nobody else will have to deal with."

She smiled sheepishly at the kind words and slowly did the same gesture with the tea. "Oh...Thank you, Kaiu-san. You're delightful and pleasant company too, I think! I guess with all of the running around that we've both been doing, sometimes it's easy to miss the small things, ne?"

Author:  Kaiu Maiya [ Thu May 07, 2020 2:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

Maiya bowed back slightly in response. She wasn't sure why Wasako was grateful.

"Hope so! I don't like the thought of enemies just dropping from the sky into urban areas." Maiya comments about the tsuno before leaving the matter be.

At Wasako's return gesture with the tea she chuckled. "Agreed. And it's a shame. Sometimes you only realise in hindsight, ne?" She had a sip of tea.

"Did you decide where you're headed next Mirumoto-sama?"

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Thu May 07, 2020 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

Wasako smirked faintly, "Well, I don't think we're just going to up and disappear tomorrow. But I suppose at least we've realized now than never, kampai?" and she joined her for a sip of tea. It wasn't quite sake, perhaps to the chagrin to the Crab but the next best thing with an ascetic.

"I think you may refer to me as Wasako just fine, Kaiu-san," she nodded at the mention of her name at first before looking up in thought. "Well, I don't think the battle is over quite yet. I do wish to see this through if they would allow us to take part. I'm not too sure how military structures work. Do you mean when this is really over? Mm...I'm not too sure, yet. I could keep going south to the Scorpion lands, perhaps?

Author:  Kaiu Maiya [ Thu May 07, 2020 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

She laughed and nodded. "Kampai, ne."

As Wasako made her offer Maiya set down her cup and touched her chest. "Are you sure, ano... Wasako-sama? T-then please call me Maiya. I would be honoured." She smiled again. It faltered a little at the mention of Scorpion lands.

"Please be careful..."

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Thu May 07, 2020 4:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

"If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have offered it," she said with an easy smile, giving her a nod to make it all official, "Maiya-san."

She raised her brows curiously as she set down her cup on the table. "Mm? What is in the Scorpion lands I have to be careful about? Have you passed by there before?"

Author:  Kaiu Maiya [ Thu May 07, 2020 4:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

"Iie, although I have heard of poisonous plants and food. Ano, I meant more the Scorpion themselves..." Surely Wasako knew their reputation? None in the Empire could not.

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Thu May 07, 2020 5:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

Wasako narrowed her eyes and tilted her head slightly in thought, looking a bit doubtful by that statement. "I haven't heard about poisonous plants and food...The Scorpions here doesn't seem to be all that bad..."

She trailed off slightly as she recalled Yogo Aya and some of the rather grim Scorpion. "...Well, maybe I won't go there so soon, not until I see more of the Empire and get used to other people and customs. I still haven't seen that much of the Lion lands and perhaps I could consider the Crab lands? I recall you did make a mention about onsen. It seems almost forever since I've been to one...even if it was just last week."

Author:  Kaiu Maiya [ Thu May 07, 2020 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

"Ano, even my sensei warned me about Scorpion tricks and things like b-blackmail." Maiya pointed out, thinking Wasako was being naïve.

"Just as long as you're safe Wasako-sama. You'd be very welcome in Crab lands I imagine. The Yasuki lands are worth visiting."

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Thu May 07, 2020 6:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

It was a thing they said about the Scorpion, especially after the folklore tale involving one very unlucky frog. However, it was perhaps something else entirely different when it was confirmed in person ever since came down from the mountains. She nodded soundly at Maiya's word of caution.

"I shall keep that in mind! As for the Crab lands, they are quite some distance away. Do you often go through the roads or do you travel by sea? I think I recall Yasuki Yakarin-san having such a luxury in her travels? Then again, she's also a very promising courtier too."

Author:  Kaiu Maiya [ Sat May 09, 2020 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

"She is! She's very capable, ne? I think her star is really on the rise." Maiya comments with a gush of positive energy.

"It'll likely be the roads by foot for my cousin and I however. I'm not sure it would be safe to head toward the coast even after the enemy force is defeated. There are a lot of smaller groups of them from what I've heard."

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Sun May 10, 2020 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

Wasako pursed her lip at the capable part in thought, recalling that she wanted to travel with a full set of servants and things when travelling abroad. She supposed that she was likely capable in her trade. "She certainly has a lot of things in mind and thought out when it comes to many aspects of life. She would have to be, as a courtier and merchant, ne? I think I'll stick to the road when it comes to travelling to my next destination. Now that you've mentioned it, I don't think I got the chance to meet your cousin yet."

Author:  Kaiu Maiya [ Mon May 11, 2020 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

"She's a little quiet." Maiya admitted.

Maiya talked a little about her cousin and a little about what to expect from the roads closer to Crab lands. The tea was soon gone and evening was fast approaching.

"Hey, Wasako-sama, stay safe on the roads ok? It'd be nice if we met again. I don't really write often, but I could ask Amaya-san to write something I dictate. Ano, if you would like a letter from time to time?"

Author:  Mirumoto Wasako [ Mon May 11, 2020 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here be Dragons (Day 13 LA Dragon Embassy)

Wasako nodded soundly as she talked about her cousin. It was a bit unfortunate she didn't get to meet her elusive cousin but at least she got to hear from Maiya and she knew her best. She would refill their teas as she talked until it did eventually run out.

Wasako smiled at the offer and nodded her head, "I wouldn't mind receiving letters, that would be great actually. It does take a while for them to reach where I reside, so do bear that in mind. However, I'm sure it'll be the talk of the dojo whenever I get them. Until then, stay safe on your journey and work hard in your duties, Maiya-san."

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