Spirit War

Emergency Code (Blue) Yams [D12, LN]
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Author:  Bayushi Degarashi [ Sun May 03, 2020 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Emergency Code (Blue) Yams [D12, LN]

It really wouldn't be so bad if Sukima weren't up to other business tonight, it really wouldn't. But Degarashi had been dismissed from his bodyguard duties for the night, and his schedule for sleep was already off.

Not that he felt anyone could sleep after what just happened to him.

He sighed.

In truth, he didn't blame Chihaya, she didn't seem wholly aware enough of her appeal to do what she'd done on purpose, but that didn't render it any less effective. And despite most everyone being sleep in the embassies, it was a place Degarashi hadn't ever seen the Sparrow, so the likelihood of a repeat incident was highly unlikely.

So he paced the streets around the embassies, half sopping wet, hoping the chill of the water and the freedom of movement would help him cool off before he exploded into a million pieces.

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