Spirit War

Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]
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Author:  Togashi Mai [ Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

Rising early in the morning Mai had taken what time she needed to clean and prepare what she may out of an allotted pot of water. Collecting what things she normally did she exited the room and went to her first task of the day that she had decided for herself, the destination was not far.

In the wake of the morning the world was often quiet but quiet held an apprehensive dread for what the day might bring. Renewal of each day, the wakening of the world, it seemed to come to a standstill under siege.

In the open sitting area she had displayed the painting of herself created by Asako Kashiwagi some days prior, she didn't know where else to put it. Now, below it, she adorned the scenery with herself. With her tools and cloths, the pots of ink. There she sat in this open area and worked slowly and diligently with her needles. There was little time for rest in this matter. Though no one declared the need for haste other than she herself.

Author:  Togashi Myo-en [ Thu Apr 30, 2020 4:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

Outside the open sliding doors, in the embassy yard, Myo-en is dancing. Or training. Or praying? Maybe all three. She bows to the east, where the sunrise shows, then moves through a series of stylized forms, a bo staff twirling and sliding between her hands.

Her body movements are fluid and strong, smooth as water, but her handling of the staff is much less skilled--staccato and not always well controlled. Each time she makes a mistake--marked by a wince and a tensing of her tattooed shoulders--she pushes stubbornly through to the end of the routine anyway, but then begins again, focusing even more intently when she comes back around to the problem move in the sequence. Sweat soon glitters on her forehead and dampens her singlet.

Someone with at least a passing familiarity with samurai weapons might notice that she's swinging the blunt staff in a pattern more typical for a polearm.

Author:  Kodama [ Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

The one-armed monk made his way to the entrance of the Dragon embassy, knocking on the gate politely.

The guard at the gate is no doubt used to more tattooed monks by now, but Kodama is doing what he can to be polite.

Author:  Togashi Myo-en [ Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

Since Kodama is obviously a monk and not a Tsuno ninja assassin, the gate guard will take him at his word and let him in. It's not very pious to turn monks away!

Past the gate, in the yard of the (relatively) small embassy building, Myo-en is still working out her kata-dance, face tense with focus, sandaled feet crunching in the damp gravel. An unusually large crow perches in one of the ornamental pines, worrying at one of last year's stubborn pinecones with its strong, glossy beak.

(Beyond, inside the building, the narrator guesses Togashi Mai might also be within sight and earshot, making use of the daylight from an opened shogi screen to work on her art--but the final call on that is left to a different narrator. ;) )

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

Mai sat, in view and earshot of the events just as was foretold, but thus far as Myo-en had thus far dedicated herself to training so too did Mai dedicate herself to the pursuing of her art. Yet the entrance of Kodama did prick up an ear, that she might listen more attentively. That her cousin was yet between her and this new come guest she allowed the peace of mind to, for this moment at least, continue her work.

Author:  Kodama [ Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

Kodama bows in thanks for entry, then enters!

Some goals were easily accomplished and straight forward. Looking about after he enters, he can only see one needing help.

So he moves to climb the tree carefully. It would not do to harm the tree unneedingly.

"Shhhh shhh..." He thinks about his position and adjusts it to grab the trunk of the tree with his legs. "Do you want the pinecone, or do you want the effort of freeing the pinecone?" He just barely talks above a whisper to the large crow.

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Fri May 01, 2020 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

Hearing the clambering up a tree however, well, that was something that was bound to gain her attention if for only a moment. What earned it for longer was the realization that it was Kodama, the monk she'd met back in Toshi Omoidoso, clambering up into the tree.

Stopping she took the moment to watch the event with a specific interest. Glancing quick to Myo-en quickly as if to ascertain how she was to respond.

Author:  Togashi Myo-en [ Sat May 02, 2020 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

The crow lets go of the cone, snapping its beak shut, and cocks its head to inspect Kodama out of first one eye, then the other. It does not seem to shy away from him at all. Close to, he might be able to see that there is a piece of bright, plaited red cord tied around its neck, the sort of cord that is often used to hang votive offerings in shrines. It's not tied to anything--the ends are snipped short and knotted--it's just there.

The crow makes a creaky sort of noise, pokes the pinecone once with its beak, and peers at Kodama again.

Myo-en is so absorbed in her exercise that she doesn't seem to notice this interaction at first, but eventually it dawns (ha) on her that there is someone up a tree just off her line of vision. Her staff-work falters for a moment, then she musters her discipline and finishes the sequence, letting it end with a final bow northeastward.

Author:  Kodama [ Sat May 02, 2020 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

Kodama looks to the crow and then to the pinecone.

And then for a second he thinks.

"Oh. Togashi-sama. This isn't a sacred pinecone one shouldn't pluck for an interested crow, right?" He calls out, holding back from pulling it yet and hoping the crow doesn't fly away at his voice.

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Sat May 02, 2020 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

"Kodama-sama," she called out, gave a wave with a hand from just inside of the building. One of the entrances slid open that it revealed where she sat and let the air and sun in.

Author:  Togashi Myo-en [ Sat May 02, 2020 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

"Uhm." Myo-en blinks up at Kodama, swipes the back of her fist across curiously reddened eyes, and at last focuses on him properly. "No, it is just a pine cone, Kodama-san. And you are very obliging."

The crow makes a rattling sound in its throat, eyeing Kodama impatiently.

Obliging, here, might carry a hint of sucker, but only a small affectionate one. Karasu-san has Myo-en well trained too.

Author:  Kodama [ Sun May 03, 2020 2:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

An obliging monk who then plucks the pinecone and holds it up for the crow, shaking a bit as his leg muscles start to tire from holding him up unaided by his hand.

Author:  Togashi Myo-en [ Sun May 03, 2020 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

The crow promptly seizes the cone and launches into flight!

After circling upward for a few loops above the compound to gain some altitude, it opens its beak in midair with a caw. The cone plummets more than the height of most buildings hereabouts, to smack down neatly on one of the flagstone paths circling the gravel yard. Then the canny bird begins gliding downward again.

"Spoiled," Myo-en mutters affectionately, leaning on her staff and wiping at her eyes again. She coughs slightly. "Good morning, Brother Kodama. You have made a friend, I think."

Author:  Kodama [ Sun May 03, 2020 6:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

He carefully dislodges himself from the tree.

"Then there is good in the day. Morning, Togashi Myo-en-sama." He waves over to Togashi Mai as well, now that he's out of the tree.

"It's rare these days where so simple a problem can be solved, there is some delight in doing so."

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Sun May 03, 2020 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

Mai's hand had lowered somewhat, but when he waved back toward her upon freeing himself from the tree she smiled briefly. Nodding to herself once she returned her focus toward the tattoo for the moment. Ever diligent in her task, as there was yet much work to be done to finish the honor.

Author:  Togashi Myo-en [ Mon May 04, 2020 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

Myo-en lifts a hand from her staff to wave good-morning at Mai.

"The only question here is whether the problem needed solving at all," she says with a soft chuckle. "Karasu-san might have got it herself... eventually."

The crow, busy pecking and winkling rather viciously at the fallen pinecone to extract the tasty seeds shaken loose by its drop, neither confirms nor denies this.

"Still," Myo-en adds with a wistful sigh, "sometimes one has to act without knowing. You chose a kind action. It is what... well." She shakes her head slightly. "What brings you this morning?"

Author:  Kodama [ Mon May 04, 2020 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

"I wanted to say thank you, for our earlier bout and conversation. I left with less of a cool head then I would have liked, but it was not your fault for bearing the news that you did."

He pauses a moment in thought, "I also wished to ask your permission to write you, when or if I have questions that I think may help being thought over from a different point of view. At the least, I believe the hope is we survive the battle outside."

Author:  Togashi Myo-en [ Wed May 06, 2020 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

"Of course." Myo-en shakes her head. "I am not a person so remote that anyone needs permission to write to me. And I have lost my best correspondent in the Brotherhood." This last is said in a level voice that nevertheless does not hide the deep sorrow behind it.

Author:  Kodama [ Wed May 06, 2020 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Early Mourning [Day 11, EM, Dragon]

He sighs, sorrowfully. "The Empire's lost heroes. But it always impacts those closest to them hardest. We remember them with the advice they would have given, were they able to." He glances back towards the city walls and where the army's encamped beyond it.

"How we remember them is what's left to those of us unable to speak to those in other realms, at the very least."

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