Spirit War

[Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation
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Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

Bayushi Sukekage brushed away as much of the snow as he could from a bench near the garden entrance and sat, his head down and shaking as he tried, unsuccessfully, to purge his thoughts of visions of the suffering he'd witnessed this morning.

"We seem to have simply traded one enemy for another," he remarks to no one in particular, "but one we could reject utterly with one far more difficult to fight and impossible to dismiss... Oh, Magimi, what would you do?"

Author:  Bayushi Yukinaga [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Early Afternoon] Contemplation

Yukinaga entered the gardens not too long after and noticed another of his clan already there. He heard soft words spoken but could not decipher them clearly from this distance.

He walked closer to the seated man and addressed him with a somewhat gentle and friendly voice "Scorpion-san sounds troubled, would you wish for a friendly if not familiar ear?"

Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Early Afternoon] Contemplation

"That I would...Yukinaga-dono, isn't it?" Sukekage says, rising to bow. "I am Bayushi Sukekage, here to serve as your right hand...if you'll have me."

He returns to his seat, looking out over the garden.

"I was...just trying to make sense of it all. I've seen so much - the forces of darkness marching on Ryoko Owari, rebellion in our own lands - but none of it has prepared me for this. To be pitted against our own ancestors..."

Author:  Bayushi Yukinaga [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Early Afternoon] Contemplation

Yukinaga smiled slightly and gave a short bow "Well met Sukekage-San. From what I have heard of you, you sound a man of honor and in our clan that is reason enough to gladly accept any help you offer." Yuki loved his clan but he was under no illusion to their true nature and had suffered many an insult for his own honorable ways.

He nodded along to Sukekage's words a grim expression covering his own features as the other man spoke "Yes......" he paused gathering his thoughts "It is troubling times we live in. War, plague, and now the dead come back to try and rule over the living. There will be war before this is over but we will do what we must. Our duty is to our emporer who is not this Steel Chrysanthemum."

Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Early Afternoon] Contemplation

Sukekage hesitates, the nods in agreement.

"That is my take on the matter, as well," he says. "Fate and proper order would dictate that the living rule the world of the living, and the dead await us beyond. After the suffering on display this morning, I think we'd find few if any who would disagree. Still, it is deeply troubling."

Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

(OOC: Note that this is actually a Late Afternoon thread, not an Early Afternoon one as the original subject line indicated. Pay no attention to such small disturbances in the space-time continuum.)

Author:  Bayushi Yukinaga [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

Yukinaga had a look of contemplation for a few moments "One would think there would be little room for argument but the same could be said for the path of honor being the correct path for a samurai yet many dispute even this simple fact." He said with a significant look.

"There will be some who side with this returned upstart and his army of murderous spirits. But from what I hear those spirits are coming here so while political matters are important our first order of business is to survive."

Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

"Again, agreed," Sukekage replies. "It is my hope that the snow will slow the forces of those who have Returned as they will mortal armies - if so, we'll have time to evacuate and plan a response. Otherwise...I'll begin looking into methods to extract ourselves from the city, if that is your wish."

Author:  Bayushi Yukinaga [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

Yukinaga nodded "there are many from the clan of secrets here and this is a town of our allies. Please look for an exit strategy so that our courtiers and shugenja and those of our allies have a way out when the Returned arrive should it be a battle we are I'll prepared for."

Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

"So it shall be. I've some martial training, myself - I did fight against the rebellion, after all - so I'll be remaining if battle comes to the City of Remembrance. I will, though, see to it that our noncombatants are clear and safe."

Author:  Yasuki Yukarin [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

Yukarin had been to the gardens a few times during winter court here. Sure, it wasn't bright and colorful in the same way it would have been during summer. But it had a charm of it's own dusted with snow.

She was wearing many layers and high geta as she walked along the paths, contemplating what she'd heard over lunch when she heard voices in the garden. Apparently others found some deal of charm in a snow covered scene, or at least sought contemplation in such too.

Looking, she saw two samurai in Scorpion colors a ways away, near one of the benches people had been ignoring all winter so as not to get the seats of their kimono's damp. Maybe it was Clan business, but she couldn't hear what they were saying from here. Still, Yukarin gave a slight polite sound to let the Scorpion know there was someone else around, in case they wanted to lower their voices.

Author:  Ikoma Homura [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

(ooc - as this is an open area it's one thread per timeslot but we're in a different part of the garden currently.)

As part of her apparent new tour guide duties in this city she'd never visited before, she had met with the the Agasha princess (or at least former princess? She was still a princess in looks to Homura at least) after the chaos of court who had mentioned needing some time to clear her head.

Homura knew the perfect place, and after a short walk they arrived at the garden.

"And this, Agasha-sama, is the famous Kakokuna Ressun Garden. It has a really interesting story if you'd be interested in it. A spiritual one as well."

Author:  Agasha Poemu [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

Ikoma Homura wrote:
(ooc - as this is an open area it's one thread per timeslot but we're in a different part of the garden currently.)

As part of her apparent new tour guide duties in this city she'd never visited before, she had met with the the Agasha princess (or at least former princess? She was still a princess in looks to Homura at least) after the chaos of court who had mentioned needing some time to clear her head.

Homura knew the perfect place, and after a short walk they arrived at the garden.

"And this, Agasha-sama, is the famous Kakokuna Ressun Garden. It has a really interesting story if you'd be interested in it. A spiritual one as well."

Quite used to traveling and seeing gardens, Poemu wasn't one to usually need a tour, as she seemed to find her way most of the time. Of course, that didn't mean she wouldn't take an excuse for a brisk walk with an acquaintance in a garden to calm herself a bit. Court had helped of course, but a little fresh air afterward was just what was ordered.

As she walked beside Homura, she gave a curious tilt of her head at the question, more or less. "You know I am always up for one of your stories Ikoma-san. Please, share it at length."

Author:  Bayushi Yukinaga [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

Bayushi Sukekage wrote:
"So it shall be. I've some martial training, myself - I did fight against the rebellion, after all - so I'll be remaining if battle comes to the City of Remembrance. I will, though, see to it that our noncombatants are clear and safe."

Yuki smiled relaxing a bit "That is good to hear. It is strange how fate intervenes and brings us excitement when we seek to escape it." He says with a small smile "My trip here was to be one of relaxation, to meet my betrothed for the first time but it seems destiny has other plans than a quiet time away from battle."

Yasuki Yukarin wrote:
Yukarin had been to the gardens a few times during winter court here. Sure, it wasn't bright and colorful in the same way it would have been during summer. But it had a charm of it's own dusted with snow.

She was wearing many layers and high geta as she walked along the paths, contemplating what she'd heard over lunch when she heard voices in the garden. Apparently others found some deal of charm in a snow covered scene, or at least sought contemplation in such too.

Looking, she saw two samurai in Scorpion colors a ways away, near one of the benches people had been ignoring all winter so as not to get the seats of their kimono's damp. Maybe it was Clan business, but she couldn't hear what they were saying from here. Still, Yukarin gave a slight polite sound to let the Scorpion know there was someone else around, in case they wanted to lower their voices.

The Yasuki would receive a slight nod in return acknowledging her before he returned his attention back to sukekage "it seems the gardens grow full. Perhaps we will leave any strategy or planning for another time." He said with a smile "how is it you found yourself here in the city sukekage-san? Were at winter court with Shosuro-san?"

Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

"Ah, no, but I was close," answers the courtier. "A matter of mild importance called me to a rather small province tucked away in the mountains, which was where word reached me about the current situation. Naturally I came here with all due speed, to see what help was needed."

Author:  Bayushi Yukinaga [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

Yuki'slips quirked up a bit more but remained within the socially acceptable range of emotional expression "A man who shows the virtues of compassion and duty, both gifts in these trying times." He pauses briefly before continuing "was the matter resolved? The one of mild importance that brought you out here in the first place."

Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

"Oh yes, naturally," Sukekage says with a nod. "It was a task easily discharged, leaving me with time to explore and relax...at least, until the message arrived."

Author:  Yasuki Yukarin [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

Yukarin gave a bow of her head in return to the two Scorpion... but decided to move on. It was clear the two had some sort of business, or at least were in the middle of something. And she wasn't necessarily out here to talk anyways. At least not so much so that she'd barge in on such things. Though more information and rumors would be nice, and Scorpion were supposed to be good for such things...

Well, at least that was a thought she had as she walked over to a frozen over pond that interested her.

Author:  Ikoma Homura [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

Agasha Poemu wrote:
Quite used to traveling and seeing gardens, Poemu wasn't one to usually need a tour, as she seemed to find her way most of the time. Of course, that didn't mean she wouldn't take an excuse for a brisk walk with an acquaintance in a garden to calm herself a bit. Court had helped of course, but a little fresh air afterward was just what was ordered.

As she walked beside Homura, she gave a curious tilt of her head at the question, more or less. "You know I am always up for one of your stories Ikoma-san. Please, share it at length."

"This one I cannot take any credit for Agasha-sama. It's a story that goes back further than even our grandfathers, and is a Phoenix tale. I can only offer my own telling of it, so hopefully I can give the story the respect it deserves, otherwise it may be a harsh lesson on retelling stories for this poor Ikoma."

Homura grinned, then stopped, motioning to the tree in the middle of the garden.

"When Toshi no Omoidoso was a much smaller, growing city, it had no fancy gardens. It was a small tower near the port, for the transport of goods. The nearby Dojo trained many a Shiba for generations, some going on to do great things. One day, a young Shiba child saw the strangest sight; a being that stood like a man, yet had the most brilliant black wings, and the face of a a Crow. The boy stood stunned as the birdman approached, knelt down to the child, and said to the boy 'I await the challenge of your kin by the tree. Now, child, away with thee.'"

She turned back to look at Poemu.

"The young boy, he ran to the dojo, nearly tripping over the entrance which started the sensei. When pressed, the boy spoke of the bird. Not believing the childs story but unsure as to why he would like, the Shiba walked with him to where the bird was going to be, and had to double-take at the sight. He identified it immediately; a Kenku. I cannot say I know a lot about Kenku, but from what I understand they are legendary creatures and teachers. The sensei approached, bowed to the creature, and spoke.

'Honoured Kenku, why do you visit our lands this day?'

The Kenku looked up from his seated place and said simply 'A challenge, honoured Sensei. If any samurai here can defeat me, I will take them as my student.'

The sensei, one Shiba Yuumo, stepped forward. 'I will be your opponent, honoured spirit.'"

Homura turned back to the garden again, motioning to a point near the tree.

"The duel happened there. The Kenku handily defeated the sensei. Over the next seven days, many more Phoenix, some even travelling from nearby cities, challenged the bird. None were victorious. After a week, the Kenku turned away, shaking his head, and walked towards the bridge. He vanished as the first flakes of snow fell. Shiba Yuumo built this garden around the tree where the Kenku stood, and spent the rest of his life training there. Hoping one day the Kenku would return and face him again. Sadly, he never did."

She turned back once more to Poemu, bowing.

"That is the tale of the Harsh Lesson Garden. Whether it is true or not, I cannot say. I would love to test my skills against such a legendary creature though."

(ooc - D1 LA telling a story - 1 raise: 5d10o10k4 43 )

Author:  Agasha Poemu [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Day 1, Late Afternoon] Contemplation

Poemu kept her pace even with Homura's, listening quite intently. At the end, she gave a polite smile and nodded. "My, the Ikoma ever have been the best storytellers, and you told that very well Ikoma-san."

She paused as she took out her fan and opened it, leaning over to whisper just a bit. "Tell me then, that is a Phoenix tale you said, and an old one. Do you believe it?"

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