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 Post subject: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:32 pm 
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(Wall of Text Incoming)

Having heard what he has heard, Seitouna ducks into the tea shop he had so enjoyed yesterday. The door is open, but the building is empty, its proprietor having fled. There is a scrap of paper on the counter saying "Help yourself," and but Seitouna does not avail himself of anything more than a table and a light.

Pulling out papers and the like, he begins to solidify his notes. It has been a busy decade these last couple of days, and commentaries will be helpful later on.

Resuming where he left off, he writes
Not long after meeting with Bayushi-san, I was joined by one of the local samurai, Akodo Touki. A somber young man with broad shoulders, he early showed me a most congenial taste in tea. He also showed me an interest in stories--indeed, I think I shall have to compose a collection of sailors' stories, given how interested in them the people I have met here have been. For Akodo-san was not the only one of his Clan to show curiosity about them.

Because I did still have to bathe, after all, and I availed myself of the onsen. A Matsu, Chihatsu, joined me there. Formidable woman, she, and very much a member of her Family. We had an interesting chat, we two, ranging to sailing and perfumes, among others. Family, too, and I am reminded that it is not only the Tortoise who roam, not only we who have to consider whom we leave behind us. I feel some sorrow for those who are left, truly.

Alas, the day did not allow for only idle enjoyments. The magistrate, Ryuuta Kin, asked those of us belonging to the Emperor's Favored to a meeting, wherein we discussed what we could do given the circumstances. I reported on what I had done to that point and what I meant to continue doing, details of which are of no moment. It seemed to me that Ryuuta-bugyo accepted the matter, but Suzume Chihaya, who was in attendance, had concerns that I was not in position to allay. But that is a matter above me, as many are; whether it is to the good or ill that the worthy and ennobled consider such questions, I will leave it for others to judge.

When I left the meeting, I found a crowd gathered, not entirely happily--as could be understood against the displacement and upset of these times. I did what I could to ease matters and remind them that the Emperor protects--the true Emperor. And I took the opportunity to do some investigation along the lines I had mentioned to Ryuuta-bugyo. Unfortunately, while those I encountered had the correct attitude in some ways--solidarity among the workers is admirable--they affected a lack or had a lack of Fukurokujin's blessings. My efforts in that regard were stymied, much to my annoyance--but such is life, and did we always find success, there would be little of value in it. And the ongoing day did much to raise the value of success for me.

[Day 3] opened wet and cold, and I found myself drawn to the walls to look out across the landscape. The armorer Bayushi Degarashi was there, and we had chance to speak again, quite pleasantly. A Naga joined us--I am not entirely certain of the mechanics of so large a figure in such wise ascending the ladders, but such was--the Saravya. Bayushi-san and I again talked of armor and its gaps as he awaited word of his kin.

When I came down, of course, I heard the talk of the Dragon in the skies. I had not seen it, but enough claimed to that I had to accept the possibility of its truth. And I heard more talk of the Matsu I had met before, though I do not know its source. I found my talk with her interesting, hardly the kind of excoriation of which I heard report. But, then, given what had been said of a Mantis woman previously and which I have no reason to doubt, perhaps there was more to it.

Seitouna pauses, stretching his wrist and fingers, and lays out a new leaf for more, if more should come.

Kasuga Seitouna
Tortoise Clan
Status 2.0 * Glory 2.5 after D11 * Honor...sure, yeah
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Generally wears decent kimono & sandals, jitte, wakizashi
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:19 pm 
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Wasako found herself wandering the streets. The front line had been properly reinforced for now but she wondered if there was the possibility that threats could come from within? It was strange seeing the streets like this. On the first day, they were open for business and the next, they were filled with refugees. Now, it seemed most of them had been shuttered like there was a great storm coming. That would later prove to be true.

She poked her head at a few vacant establishments, checking for signs of life or if anything was afoot.

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:27 pm 
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Seitouna hears the poking and calls out "Come on in and out of the wind, if you will!"

And it is a strange wind blowing, he thinks.

Kasuga Seitouna
Tortoise Clan
Status 2.0 * Glory 2.5 after D11 * Honor...sure, yeah
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Generally wears decent kimono & sandals, jitte, wakizashi
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:54 pm 
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"Oh! Sorry!" She said back in return at first, thinking she might have been in the wrong area and doing something she shouldn't be. There was a moment where she berated herself for snooping around without cause. The emptiness of the streets had her more curious than concerned.

After entering and bowing in apology, she noticed the person wasn't in Lion colours. Were there Tortoise business in the area? "Ohh...good afternoon, Kasuga-san. Are"

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:57 pm 
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Seitouna rises and bows.

"Kasuga Seitouna...Mirumoto-san," he replies, "I am, but the shop is not staffed at present. Still, a bit of respite from the wind and weather is welcome, eh?"

He resumes his seat. "Still, there is a sign that says 'help yourself,' if you care to. I know they've had good tea here, though whether it is still so, I do not know."

Kasuga Seitouna
Tortoise Clan
Status 2.0 * Glory 2.5 after D11 * Honor...sure, yeah
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Generally wears decent kimono & sandals, jitte, wakizashi
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:22 pm 
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"Pleased to meet you, Kasuga-san," she said formally in return.

She stepped in more and glanced around cautiously before noticing the sigh Seitouna spoke of. "Oh...that's rather nice of them. I guess I won't say no to generous hospitality. It's a shame I never paid them a visit while they were open, I was probably overwhelmed by all of the stores here. Even if the tea is cold, the generous thoughts still counts, I think..."

Making her way over to a set of pots that were sitting on the counter, she opened the tops of some to inspect their contents. "Do you mind if I were to join you?"

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:23 pm 
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"I would be delighted--the more so, did I have your name."

He stands and bows, gesturing to a seat across from him.

Kasuga Seitouna
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:04 pm 
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"Right, gomen!" Wasako quickly said in apology as she ducked her head. She was a bit surprised that she managed to get this far without forgetting to introduce herself to people. It was more than likely she introduced herself and other people more times than she did last year. "This one is Mirumoto Wasako, from the Northern Wall Mountain."

Eventually, she did find a pot of something. It wasn't hot or warm, to be sure, but it looked safe at the very least. She walked over to where he was seated and set it down with two cups. "...I would attempt to start the fire here but I don't think I wish to be responsible for burning down the place...I think this might be chrysanthemum tea?""

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:06 pm 
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"Cold's better than none, friend, and good company is a warmth of its own."

He smiles.

"Though I'd guess this isn't so cold for you."

Kasuga Seitouna
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Status 2.0 * Glory 2.5 after D11 * Honor...sure, yeah
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:08 am 
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She took a seat and poured a cup of tea for both of them. "Do you mean the tea or the weather? I guess I'm more used to colder weather at this time of the year but that doesn't mean I don't prefer it being warmer. Especially in such...demanding times, I think everyone could really use some warmer weather to at least make things easier. I may not know much about war but I know people don't usually wage war in the winter...or winter-like conditions?"

She took a small sip for her tea. It wasn't optimal but she wasn't enough of a strict tea drinker to make a big deal of it. There were days when she would finish her exercises and forget that there was tea waiting for her, which was long grown cold.

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:16 pm 
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Seitouna takes a pull from his tea and manages not to grimace. He's had worse, after all, and in less pleasant conditions.

"There's been a lot going on that defies the usual expectations, it seems. And we seem to have something of a front-row seat for a part of it, though I'm not sure the script is all to my liking.

"Still, this is the kind of thing that will be spoken of for many years, and here we sit, talking together. Something of a small wonder, neh?"

Kasuga Seitouna
Tortoise Clan
Status 2.0 * Glory 2.5 after D11 * Honor...sure, yeah
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Generally wears decent kimono & sandals, jitte, wakizashi
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 4:08 pm 
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"Do you think what's going on is like a play?" she said out of genuine curiosity before contemplating it. "I haven't attended many plays but I guess the audience might not know everything about the play before sitting down? I don't know if many of us thought we were going to the theatre to begin with, brought together by some fate or other circumstance."

She took a sip of her tea and showed a smirk. "I don't know if I would be mentioned in such tales, which is fine. Glory isn't something that I've ever wanted. I would be glad to just have enough to share with my sensei and the students back at home."

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 4:12 pm 
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Seitouna matches her smirk.

"I've heard it said that 'All the world's a stage, and we are merely players.' But we are also the audience, whether we think of ourselves thus or not. Or we are characters in a broader narrative, as well as the readers of the book in which we are written."

He shrugs.

"All metaphors break down, eventually, however, well made and maintained.

"But as to being in tales, do you think all who are spoken of wanted to be so? Or did others see somewhat in them to report, and perhaps some matters grew in the telling?"

Kasuga Seitouna
Tortoise Clan
Status 2.0 * Glory 2.5 after D11 * Honor...sure, yeah
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Generally wears decent kimono & sandals, jitte, wakizashi
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 4:41 pm 
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She nodded soundly at the continued theatre analogy but admittedly most of the plays she had seen involved puppets as they were easily the most portable and they didn't have a theatre in their area. Would the strings mean something too potentially?

"I'm not too sure..." she murmured as she refilled their cups with cold tea. "But I had thought people often liked to be talked about, especially if it is a good deed or something heroic. I heard this is actually common in the Lion Clan?"

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 4:49 pm 
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"I would not presume to speak on behalf of the Lion Clan, although I would note that at least one member of it--with whom I had the chance to speak at some length in this very tea shop--seemed not to be thus motivated.

"But the issue is less that people like to be discussed, as such, and more that they like to feel like they matter. You mentioned 'the students back home,' yes? Even if you do not want for yourself to be discussed, you want them to benefit from you, yes?"

Kasuga Seitouna
Tortoise Clan
Status 2.0 * Glory 2.5 after D11 * Honor...sure, yeah
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Generally wears decent kimono & sandals, jitte, wakizashi
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:09 pm 
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"It needn't necessarily be something relating to me, as I don't know if I will be able to participate directly or if my actions will be effective. There seems to be a few veterans here from previous conflicts who might find such a situation more..."

She considered the right word to use. "...familiar?"

"It's true that I'd rather do something that matters than be talked about, does it come to personal evaluation? Perhaps many liked to be talked about to know what they did matter? This is where the age-old tree koan might come into application."

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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:11 pm 
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Seitouna's hand finds its way to the charcoal, and he is ready to take notes as he says to Wasako "I'm not familiar with the koan, Mirumoto-san. Could you expound upon it to me?"

Kasuga Seitouna
Tortoise Clan
Status 2.0 * Glory 2.5 after D11 * Honor...sure, yeah
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 10:15 pm 
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"Oh..." She said at first, a bit bemused that he hasn't heard of that koan. It was perhaps the grandfather of them all but she supposed to not all clans take an interest at introspection or enjoy the (relative) proximity of Togashi monks. "It goes...If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Perhaps in this case, it might be a stretch...I was thinking if someone's actions go unheard, is there still glory in it?"

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 10:18 pm 
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"One of the thinkers I have met might ask 'Is there any place where none watch?'" He smiles a bit. "Is there a place the Heavens do not see?"

Kasuga Seitouna
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 Post subject: Re: D3LA, No, *This* Is the Last Chance (Open)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 12:55 am 
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"I suppose not, now that you've brought it up. At the very least, the Fortunes are all-knowing and at the very least you yourself would appreciate what you've done. A good act should be its own reward and despite publicity, I feel most samurai here aren't only looking to get their name heard in the kindness that they bring."

Dragon Clan • Bushi • Assistant Sensei • Ascetic • Gullible
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