Spirit War

Way of Tenjin (D2-EA)
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Author:  Kitsu Shukei [ Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Way of Tenjin (D2-EA)

The shugenja walked along the isles back and forth, again and again. He would pick a book up and then read the title and put it back down. Walk some more and then pick another book up, and again back down. He was clearly not sure which pillow book would be best.

Author:  Shosuro Sara [ Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Way of Tenjin (D2-EA)

The Lion was not the only one in the shop. A dainty Scorpion was busy looking over the books, seemingly lost in thought.

Author:  Kitsu Shukei [ Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Way of Tenjin (D2-EA)

Not having a clue of what to do, the Lion went over to the other customer, the beautiful women of the scorpion clan. "Ummm, sumimasen, Scorpion-sama." He stood close and had a kind tone towards the woman, "excuse my interruption, but I am need of help. My name is Kitsu Shukei. You see I was looking for a gift for my wife, she was a women of the Scorpion clan before. Maybe you could be of help."

Author:  Shosuro Sara [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Way of Tenjin (D2-EA)

Kitsu Shukei wrote:
Not having a clue of what to do, the Lion went over to the other customer, the beautiful women of the scorpion clan. "Ummm, sumimasen, Scorpion-sama." He stood close and had a kind tone towards the woman, "excuse my interruption, but I am need of help. My name is Kitsu Shukei. You see I was looking for a gift for my wife, she was a women of the Scorpion clan before. Maybe you could be of help."

"Ah, Kitsu-san. No problem." She smiled at him. "What a kind husband, Benten must be looking out for you." She eyed him up and down. "What kind of Scorpion? Despite the rumors, there is more than one kind of Scorpion woman." She smirked.

Author:  Kitsu Shukei [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Way of Tenjin (D2-EA)

"Well" he thought back, "she is a great women, dedicated, strong, beautiful and very protective, a great mother too. She used to be a shugenja of the Scorpion, but also acted as a courtier. She is a great follower of Benten, and thinks highly of love above all feelings, it's what drove her to accept my name even though I was of lower status than she. She might enjoy something romantic..."

Author:  Shosuro Sara [ Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Way of Tenjin (D2-EA)

Sara smiled. "She sounds lovely and a brave woman for sure." She started moving around among the stacks. "A mother too? My congratulations to you Kitsu-sama. Hm....any particular interests of hers you know of? Where is she from exactly?"

Meanwhile, she started idly browsing through the romance section.

Author:  Kitsu Shukei [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Way of Tenjin (D2-EA)

"My wife used to be a... a Yogo." He was a bit unsure if he should say, but then again a Scorpion would not have the same prejudices that another rokugani would have against the Yogo family. "Our marriage was settled, among many other things, to bring peace between our clans. It has proven to be excellent, and we have both learned to love and care for each other." His face was filled with love and nostalgia, hope that she would be safe during the hard times.

"I would have to say that her most high interest are true love and court. She wouldn't shy down from a fight, but she wouldn't go towards one, and would rather avoid one happening if she could. Her strong sense of compassion and honesty are what made me fall for her."

Author:  Shosuro Sara [ Sun Apr 19, 2020 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Way of Tenjin (D2-EA)

Sar asmiled fondly. "I am quite happy for how Benten guided you Kitsu-san. It is like a tale out of the pillowbooks. In fact..." She started running her fingers swiftly through the scrolls.

"There's a little known classic, from the dawn of the Empire." She slowly managed to find it. "There's a tale about the love of one of Yogo's earliest descendants. Her forbidden love for someone, that could not come t ofruition. It's a classic!"

She let out a small yelp of happiness as she found it. "Here it is! Masked Desire."

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