Spirit War

The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]
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Author:  Ryuuta Kin [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

Kin had prepared for a table to accommodate two naga and two humans at the Open Shore tea house. He waited patiently for the arrival of his guests. He looked forward to tonights conversation.

Author:  The Shakanar [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

The Shakanar was the first to arrive, it seemed. He bowed to Kin with a smile "Ryuuta-sama. Thank you for the invite out. The evening finds you well I hope?" Small talk till the others arrived. He had a long object, wrapped in silk, strapped over his back

Author:  The Saravya [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

The Saravya arrived soon after, mimicking the depth of The Shakanar's bow. She hadn't quite learned to judge the precise depth that was appropriate. "Good evening."

Author:  Ryuuta Kin [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

Greeting the two Naga in turn as they arrived, Kin offered each a bow.

"I'm glad that you could come this evening. Isawa Tomomi has not yet arrived, but we can have some drinks and catch up while we wait."

Author:  The Shakanar [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

"That would be lovely." he coiled himself up in one of the spots laid out, looking over the selection that was being offered. "What tea's have you gathered today Ryuuta-sama? While I don't understand the almost religious experience that the Rokugani put on tea ceremony, i do find it fascinating, and do enjoy the different varieties of tea that are produced. So many different flavors and ways to alter it."

Author:  The Saravya [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

"That would be nice, thank you," she agreed, coiling in such a way that she could lean forward and rest her arms on her tail, listening for now. "There's a religious experience with tea?"

Author:  Ryuuta Kin [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

"I went with Golden Needle. It is a staple for the Phoenix and some is grown in the local lands since these were formerly Phoenix lands. I tend to prefer adding a bit of ginger and not much else myself. But there will likely be tea shortages since they just finished their court here and there are so many refugees in the city."

He pours cups for his two present guests.

"It is a ceremonial form of serving tea, that is much an art and performance. It is meant to center the mind. Although I'm not versed in it, have only ever been part of a few, and only in the past couple years. I never experienced the tea ceremony before joining my clan."

Author:  The Shakanar [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

He gave a nod to Kin. "It is something I have taken a part in. It does not seem to center my mind in the way that it does the rokugani, but the art and presentation of it is a beauty of its own. And a bit of ginger does sound lovely. Last winter I was in crab lands. They prefer their teas much stronger I have found. Sometimes fortified with other things. I wonder if the teas popular in different regions exemplify those that live there..."

Author:  The Saravya [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

"Ugh, Crab lands," she noted before picking up the tea and taking a careful sip. "Mm... The warming is nice. I suppose we all have different ways to center ourselves."

Author:  Ryuuta Kin [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

"I wouldn't say the teas exemplify them, but the different people of the empire do likely grow and prepare teas in ways that they prefer in general. Different tastes leading to different teas."

Author:  The Shakanar [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

A faint nod of his head. "I know but the barest sliver of knowledge about the crafting of teas. It is an art that many will dig deep into I understand." He settled himself in t he seat that his coils made, leaning back against them a moment, looking throughtful. "I wonder what interesting additions to tea could be found in the shinomen mori..."

Author:  The Saravya [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

"I kind of want to look when we return," she agreed thoughtfully.

Author:  Ryuuta Kin [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

"We sometimes get a local batch of dewberry in Nirukti, so that might be something. But other than that, I'm not sure. Your people would likely be far more familiar, since you've called the Shinomen home for much longer."

Author:  The Shakanar [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

"And in doing so, we can increase our trade with the Piranha. And by increasing what they bring to trade with the other clans, increase their fortunes. The creation of the Piranha has tied the well being of both our peoples closely." He looked thoughtful. "I wonder, if with time, Naga might swear fealty to Ryuuta dono and be recognized as samurai by your people."

Author:  The Saravya [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

The Saravya's back straightened suddenly and she looked over at The Shakanar like he had grown a second head. The snake man himself could feel the shock.

Author:  Ryuuta Kin [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

Kin chuckles at that. "Not something that I would want for your people. The Akasha has it's own place in the world. That place is not within the Celestial Hierarchy. It would take away an important part of what makes you who you are. Plus, as much as we could come to trust and respect each other many of the Naga and Rokugani would likely not stand for such a thing. From how I understand it, the Legion choosing to make their own way separate from other Naga was hard enough on your people."

Author:  The Saravya [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

The Saravya nodded in agreement. "I agree... The Kin put it well. Besides, look at how badly people took the idea of a human simply courting a Naga."

Author:  Isawa Tomomi [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

Tomomi arrives later than she'd planned, shaking snow from her heavy sleeves before entering the tea house. The streets were so full. She'd helped where she could today but...it was like the War of Burned Wings all over again, but complicated by snow.

She speaks with the fellow running the tea house for a moment and follows his gesture to the table she'd expected they'd be at. The roomy alcove had space to fit everyone. In nicer weather the wall would be pulled aside to reveal the covered porch and gardens outside. Tonight, the cozyness of closed walls was appreciated.

Approaching the table with a courtier's sense for a pause in the conversation, she bows to the assemblage. "Good evening, and I hope the day has tried none of you too sorely. I deeply apologize for my tardiness. I hadn't expected the snow to be so deep."

Author:  Ryuuta Kin [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 3:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

"Courting? Did one of you find an admirer in your travels?" he asked curiously. The thought of it was a strange one to him, but he wouldn't deny that there was a certain attractiveness to a few of the Naga he had met in Siksa.

"I can definitely understand why there would be a negative reaction if such a thing ended up being public. Relationships for us tend to be in one of two categories, public and for childbearing and politics, then private for love or enjoyment. The two rarely intersect."

When Tomomi arrives, he bows to the Phoenix indicating a spot to sit.

Author:  The Shakanar [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Unending Search for Understanding [D2 EE, Invite]

As the pheonix joined t hem he sat up a little higher, coils rearranging as if he stood to bow to the new arrival. "The day finds me well Isawa-sama. I am known as The Shakanar. My companion is the Saravya. And the snow slows us all. As much as we may wish, we are all still at the whims of the fortunes and nature."

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