Spirit War

Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]
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Author:  Togashi Mai [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

There was no telling just how much a lone Togashi monk could do for the refugee's on the street but one could not discover this without first going on to the street and seeking the answer for themselves. As such, Togashi Mai had her path forward for the evening.

There were many of them, far too many, and it pained her heart to see them as they were but that many of these were now safe she knew them to yet be the lucky ones so far. Still, lucky as they might be there was much they needed and she walked the streets to determine what she might do to alleviate this.

Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

Mai will spot Bayushi Sukekage walking in the opposite direction, also scanning the refugees. As he draws close, he stops and bows.

"Dragon-san, it seems you and I have a similar purpose this evening - seeing to the welfare of these poor souls," he says. "As such, it's a pleasure to meet you. I am Bayushi Sukekage."

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

"Hai, you would be most correct in this assessment Bayushi Sukekage-sama," she says, offering a reverent bow. Rising once more she dutifully followed out, "I am Togashi Mai, an artisan that follows the path of the Tattoo. "

"My skills may not be the most suited to the people there, but luckily often all that is needed for one to lend aid is to be willing to do so. In this manner I am most adept, thankfully.

Author:  Matsu Chinatsu [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

Another samurai was among the peasants in the evening. Crouched down in a gaggle of peasant children, a well dressed, one armed Matsu was finishing a glorious, if simple, tale of a good samurai overcoming evil. As she finished, the children seemed much cheered on by the tale and she offered them a curt smile and a mild reminder that they were to bow as she said her farewell to them.

She shuffled through the snow towards the other two and bowed her respect to them. "Minna-sans, this one is Matsu Chinatsu, I would be honored to make your acquaintance."

Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

"How nice to find so many eager humanitarians remaining, especially after this afternoon," says Sukekage after completing introductions. "The sight of all those people rushing the gate...well, I did not expect a siege of that sort. Still, one can hardly blame them, given what awaits beyond the walls."

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

"A pleasure to make your greeting Matsu Chinatsu-sama," she says with a reverent bow. "Between us I am certain that we might alleviate some of the peoples woes at least. At least, such is my hope that we might find solutions to their problems."

Author:  Matsu Chinatsu [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

Chinatsu frowned slightly, looking to the gates. And perhaps they should have been closed sooner. She thinks to herself, but the Scorpion is nonetheless correct, she can hardly blame the peasants for wanting to be behind walls.

She sighed slightly. "What did you have in mind, Togashi-san?"

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

"I am no great mover of people, nor one with much power, but I have my voice and my dedication. My thought was to come here and to hear from the people that of which they most need, perhaps there will be some and others that I may be able to find a way to help," she responded, glancing out toward those who littered the streets.

"One cannot act on a problem without first knowing that that problem is," she says.

Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

"Here we have many problems," opines the Scorpion, "all interconnected. A veritable web of troubles. At the center of that web, though, is a singular spider..."

He looks out toward the walls, making it clear he refers to the Steel Chrysanthemum.

"Even if we cut the threads of the web, they will only be repaired and replaced until the spider itself is removed."

Author:  Matsu Chinatsu [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

The Lion's lips twitched at that. "I expect you will find them hungry and in desire of a roof over their head, Togashi-san." She paused, looking at the hordes of refugees. "Or they are looking for a missing loved one."

She glanced at the Scorpion then. "Hai, but there is little we can do about that problem at the moment."

Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

"Ah, but the time to trap the spider grows ever closer," replies Sukekage. It is a difficult balancing act, cutting enough threads to free those trapped, while maintaining enough strength to face the weaver."

He pauses for a moment, frowning as he thinks.

"I think I may have stretched the metaphor to a breaking point."

Author:  Matsu Chinatsu [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

Chinatsu snorted. "Hai. You sound like a Togashi."

Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

"Not the first time I've been accused of that," Sukekage replies, "only without the wisdom. It's just a tendency to get wound up in an idea past the point of reason..."

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

"Does it take a metaphor to sound as if one is a Togashi?" she asked, quirking a brow at the two. As if one catching a joke that she wasn't sure was meant for her ears to hear.

"Regardless," she waved a hand away, "but hai, food and shelter are like to be primary concerns. Still, ever more, the threat that drove them here is to be even of greater concern to them. However, we will neither find that which they run from or the food and shelter they seek among them for ourselves. That is well placed into the hands of those who have the capacity to do so."

"Instead, as you have suggested Matsu Chinatsu-sama," she glances around, "there might be other tasks for which we can accomplish ourselves. Such as aiding in the finding of a loved on, or other such tasks that a mere few Samurai without a supply of food in hiding might be able to aid in."

Author:  Matsu Chinatsu [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

"No, I have found my husband tends to speak far more often in riddles." Chinatsu replies with a small nod towards Mai. "He also tends to laugh at his own riddles." The Matsu mutters under her breath afterwords.

The idea of wandering around the peasants trying to find one face in the sea of hundreds did not seem to appeal to the Matsu at all. "Or perhaps use our talents to lift their spirits?"

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

"I would not impose upon you to suggest the best way that you might use your talents," she said, inclining her head toward Chinatsu.

"My own talents, outside of the touch of oratory and use of metaphor, riddles, and parables, align myself in a more personal environment. If you might lift many spirits at one Matsu Chinatsu-sama, then I would be most gladdened for it. I fear that unless you may have use of me in assisting you in such an endeavor I must needs do only what I can and focus on those few that I may help with what attention I can afford them."

Author:  Bayushi Sukekage [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 5:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

"I suppose I could drop a word here and there, try to reinforce morale," offers Sukekage. "Otherwise, I've dramatic training, but we're lacking a stage, a script..."

Author:  Matsu Chinatsu [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

Chinatsu shrugged at their responses, she glanced back at the crowds for a moment. "I've done what I can for the moment. My voice would be lost from too much speaking and I would run out of tales before I reached even half this crowd."

She turned back to the other samurai. "I will follow after you for the time being then."

Author:  Togashi Mai [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

"It would not be something to place upon display," she said, giving it some thought, "the people are weary from travel and to approach them as a group they may fear interrogation. My place outside of their authority may even yield greater willingness to speak their tales and needs unabated. At least, such is my hope."

"Perhaps, then, it may be best if we part ways here and reconvene so that we may make the most of what is learned? Though I would not force my goal upon any other, I believe it is the one we are left with?"

Author:  Matsu Chinatsu [ Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Safety Over Comfort [Day 2, Early Evening]

Chinatsu managed, barely, to keep from rolling her eyes. "Mmm, I agree, Togashi-san. Perhaps we should part ways for now."

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