Spirit War

Lion Grip (D1-LM, Open)
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Author:  Kitsu Shukei [ Wed Apr 08, 2020 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Lion Grip (D1-LM, Open)

Kitsu Shukei held his boken firmly with both hands. The shugenja was not a great warrior, but he could protect himself decently. He looked at his feet making sure they were properly placed, checking that his body remembered the position and that it would come natural. He extended his body in its full length and made sure to make his core strong. He held the boken in front of himself, making sure that the blade did not block his vision, and yet was not too low to not protect him.

He raised his elbows up, followed by the boken, slowly, making sure that the boken had a proper angle above his head before slashing down on the dummy in front of him, as straight as he could, and with a quick movement of the weight forward.

Author:  Ryuuta Kin [ Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lion Grip (D1-LM, Open)

Kin arrived for the second day and offered his respects to the dojo before entering. He found a bokken and moved to the edge of the training floor so he would not disturb his fellow samurai that were training. He was nearby to the training dummies, but so he saw the Lion that was taking his time there, so he did not interrupt the man.

With the satchel at his side, the Lion was likely a priest, so it made sense he was not as proficient as most of the Lion bushi that likely called this dojo home. Not that Kin was a master of the blade, but he was comfortable with it.

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