Spirit War

[D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)
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Author:  Akodo Kinuko [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

It had been a hectic enough day what with all the running around. Still, the day was almost over.

Kinuko had arranged for time in a side room of the palace to catch up with the Lion contingent that wasn't able to make it to the earlier meeting and had sent out invitations forthwith.

Author:  Matsu Tani [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

Tani slipped into the side room quietly. The events of the day had at least calmed her nerves. This meant that she only looked annoyed, and not like she was ready to spit the first person who looked at her funny. Seeing the Akodo, she offered a polite bow, perfectly befitting the other's station. "Akodo-san. This meeting was a wise endeavor."

Author:  Akodo Kinuko [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

"Matsu-sama." Kinuko's bow was no less proper, respecting the other woman's station as required. "I do only what is demanded. Have you been apprised of the situation on the ground here?"

In times of emergent need, there was always discipline and formality to fall back upon. A comforting marker to navigate by.

Author:  Matsu Tani [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

She finds a place to seat herself, before nodding gently. "I was part of the contingent who arrived this morning," she explained simply. "I assisted in bringing the wounded into the city, per Kitsu Izumi-sama's instructions."

Author:  Akodo Kinuko [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

"Yes, it is my understanding that Kitsu-sama had arrived." Kinuko sounded appreciative for the confirmation.

"When will she be taking command?"

Author:  Matsu Tani [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

"She did not state anything to notate when," tani shook her head. "Though I doubt she will hesitate to establish a proper command structure. Order will only assist us in these times."

Author:  Akodo Kinuko [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

"Kitsu-sama was present at the earlier general meeting at the Shrine of Remembrance." Kinuko pointed out, quickly appending a bit of local history for Tani's benefit. "The one dedicated to Matsu Hitomi-sama."

"In any case, I am in agreement, Matsu-sama. Though, I must ask. Is there to be fighting in the near future?"

Author:  Matsu Tani [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

"I am preparing as if conflict is inevitable," she nodded. "The man who murdered an Emperor is not likely to take disagreement to his premise peacefully. Or at least, that's what I expect."

Author:  Matsu Erina [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

Footsteps can be heard rapidly approaching as Erina hurries to the doorway, pausing to catch her breath and straighten out her appearance. She bows as he enters.

"Tani-sama. I heard that we were to meet. Do we know if the Diamyo will be joning us?"

Author:  Matsu Tani [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

Tani bowed to Erina, motioning her to sit. "Erina-hohei, please sit down. This is Akodo Kinuko. Kitsu-dono was at the previous meeting, and I doubt she has time to attend two separate meetings. We will allow Akodo-san to update us on what was said in due time."

Author:  Matsu Erina [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

Erina says nothing at first, but balls her hands into fists and nods.

"In good time then. I am eager to hear what comes next. We owe that monstrosity."

Author:  Akodo Kinuko [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

Kinuko's lips tightened into a thin line. She weighed what was to be said.

"Kitsu-dono gave no clear orders during the meeting that I could discern." A hint of confusion and disappointment still lingering from her own feelings on that.

"She spoke of the need for us to be the line to defend against the coming onslaught and of preparing for an evacuation."

Kinuko left it unsaid that the necessity of preparing for the latter assumed the failure of the former.

"She had a nemurenai with her as well." Kinuko looked to Tani. The other Lion had been at Winter Court with the Kitsu daimyo, perhaps she would have some insight?

Author:  Matsu Kōgyoku [ Mon Apr 06, 2020 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

Matsu Kōgyoku arrived from her debriefing, keeping a straight face regardless of how the day had taxed her, not letting any length of it to show even though her thoughts about what had happened and what would happen were heavy. In times like these - and in all other times for the record - honour was her paramount sanctuary.

"Bushido guide us in these trying times, mina-san." She said a tone quieter than the expected usual, which had ever been her way to diverge from the regular talk. She bowed to those present.

Author:  Matsu Tani [ Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

Tani bowed low to the arriving cousin, face set in neutral expression. "Matsu-sama. Honor stand with you in all things." She turned to Kinuko. "Gomen. I had only arrived a pair of days before the assault, and was not a member of the court proper. I agree with her assessment, though."

Author:  Akodo Kinuko [ Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

Kinuko bowed to Kōgyoku respectfully upon her arrival. To Tani, she nodded slowly in understanding.

"I see. Matsu-sama here was at today's earlier meeting with Kitsu-dono."

The implied subtext being that maybe the ranking Lion in the room had orders or guidance?

As hostess, such as it was, of this meeting, Kinuko made the introductions. "Matsu-sama, Matsu Tani-sama and Matsu Erina-san. They have arrived at the city today and I was in the process of letting them know how we were situated."

Author:  Akodo Ren [ Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

Another Lion was present. One who was obviously a bit tired and dirtied from the events of the day. At the mention of a nemuranai she straightened her back with interest...

Author:  Matsu Erina [ Tue Apr 07, 2020 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

"Were any plans decided? Tactics discussed." Erina curses missing the chance to speak up with the diamyo, but perhaps that was for the best.

"I have had some ideas of how we could prepare, but I do not want to run afoul of any plans"

Author:  Matsu Kōgyoku [ Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

Kōgyoku assessed that this Tani was likely Takeshi's daughter, but the time for any shared reminiscences wasn't now. She regarded the other Matsu with genuine respect, then proceeded to sit down.

"Kitsu-sama is preoccupied with the nemuranai she's guarding and apparently she has reasons to prioritise it over taking direct command of the war effort. It thus falls upon the governor, and whatever course of action he decides. Kitsu-sama has advised us taking a proactive stance about the preparedness. Matsu Mogai-san is intent on submitting her ideas to the governor tomorrow."

The magistrate paused as Ren was entering, her nose wrinkling slightly at the grimy look, but she concluded that the day's circumstances excused it.

"The nature of the threat occupied a lion's share of the discussion at Hitomi's Shrine." In brief words, Kōgyoku would relay the remarks raised and exchanged on the Steel Chrysanthemum and the Mirror of Sorrows. She left out Izumi's strange slip.

Author:  Matsu Erina [ Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

A dark expression comes over Erina's face, teeth grit as the nature of the Steel Chrysanthnum and his soliders is revealed, and for a moment it looks as if she might say something adruptly, but swallows the words. When she does speak, her voice is composed, albiet with an edge to it"

"Kitsu-diamyo-dono mentioned that the enemy forces have no cavalry? That is...well, it is something. If I may?"

Erina pauses, hoping that what she is going to say will be excused.

"Of those who now stand against us, we have the wisdom of our ancestors turned against us. But perhaps there is benefit, in that we understand how they would have devised their own tactics...and we can present new ones they do not seem prepared with. As much as the Unicorn are, how shall I say, not fully aware of Rokugan protocol, they have developed their own tactics. "Lead with perception and intelligence.With these two virtues, you need not be a master of tactics or strategy.With perception, you shall find those who do understand such things, and direct them to their proper duty. With intelligence, you will know not to get in their way."" The quote from Leadership comes easily off of Erina's lips from the exhaustive study.

Author:  Akodo Ren [ Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D1, LE] What We Leave Behind (Lions Meetup)

Ren listened carefully as the others spoke. She internally wrestled with the facts in front of her and gradually faded away from attentive listening.

She brought it here... She carries it around... Oh Ryo... what has this assignment turned into?

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