Spirit War

[D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)
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Author:  Mari [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:41 am ]
Post subject:  [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

She had spent part of her relegated time meditating educating a Dragon on centering the mind, which was a thing that Mari had never thought that she would ever have to do. And in the aftermath, she had ended up participating in the fighting and been badly injured, needing to use her own powers to slowly revive herself. At this point, she was bone-exhausted, still sore even despite the magical healing and ...

She desperately needed to replenish her spiritual reserves. And now, the shrines were surrounded by the enemy armies. The dojo was occupied, so she paid a bu for a proper bath, and a little bit of privacy. All she needed was a half hour, a little bit of time to relax, to free her mind, and afterwards, to cleanse her body.

After she had centered herself, feeling her soul once more free, she went to begin washing in the hopes of a good hot bath. "What a day..."


( Void Meditation - 25 +2 VP)

Author:  Otomo Ryuji [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 3:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

As it was safe to go out, Ryuji kept his schedule of taking his evening bath. He found that he again would share his bath with someone.

"Konbanawa." he greeted with a short bow and he set his belongings nearby.

Author:  Mari [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 3:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

She caught sight of Imperial colors. That brought an almost immediate bow down to the ground. There were people she knew not to toy with, and the Imperials were those people. "O-samurai-sama. My apologies. Do you require privacy?" she said carefully. She hoped not, even if this would be uncomfortable. She really did need a good bath.

Author:  Otomo Ryuji [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

What's with all this damned modesty?!...

"Pirvacy is not necessary. We are all samurai. Might I share this bath with you?"

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 3:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

Sukima arrived shortly after, taking in the somewhat mismatched pair present before she bowed. "Good evening, samurai-san, Otomo-san." She began to wash, apparently missing the discussion about privacy earlier. Or simply unconcerned, it was sometimes hard to tell. Especially once the long process of washing five feet of hair began.

It was a public bath, after all.

Author:  Mari [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

"Thank you, Otomo-sama," she said, rising from the bow and finally moving towards the bath. It was always good to be careful of Imperials. They could be ... well, very Imperially. She wasn't about to take a risk of offending. But, as the Yogo joined them, she bowed to her as well and started to slip into the baths.

"I do not think we have been properly introduced, -samas. I am Mari."

Author:  Otomo Ryuji [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

Ryuji bowed to the women and entered the bath.

"I am Otomo Ryuji. An honor to meet you, Mari-san." He turned to Sukima.

"Honorable, Yogo-san?"

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

Sukima bowed where she was, looking toward both of them. "I am Yogo Sukima. It's a pleasure to meet both of you." She smiled a little. "And one of my family before marriage, no less. I'm surprised. I haven't seen many Otomo since we left Morikage Toshi, and ronin have been a rare sight as well."

Author:  Mari [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

"I fear that there has not been much opportunity to hire ronin, though I am certain that a few man the battlements of the city in its defense," she said, nodding. "I am, however, fairly certain that I am the only shugenja among their ranks." That was definitely a source of what drew so much attention she supposed.

"It is good to see the both of you healthy after the day's events."

Author:  Otomo Ryuji [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

"Well met, cousin." Ryuji said to Sukima. "We should most definitely have tea sometime."

Ryuji turned to the ronin.

"So you're a shugenja. I have not heard of many ronin who possess such an ability. You're the first I have met, so this is quite a rare opportunity."

Author:  Mari [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

"It does appear, in my travels that it is a rare thing to see one, yes Otomo-sama. I find it ensures that I have a certain call for my services." When you're in town and you desperately need more healing than any city could reasonably have in term of local Kitsu... "I have already been quite busy with so many refugees."

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

"I hope you don't find yourself too taxed by it," she said. "In a situation like this another healer is a wonderful thing to have."

Author:  Mari [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

"I have been more pressed than I ever had been in my life, but I can manage this. My work comes first, and the well being of all under my care is my purpose, whether the healing be mundane or guided by the kami." She had means to care for herself, so as long as her life was not in peril, there was no reason to be stingy with the use of her prayers. "The worst I ever saw before this was the occasional group of bandits, in truth."

Even in the south, her family had managed to avoid conflict for the most part.

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

Sukima finally managed to rinse everything out enough and put her hair up to join them in the bath. She dipped her head to her. "I'm grateful for your efforts. I hope your contributions are remembered. It would be a tragedy after all this if people returned to the way they often treat Ronin."

Author:  Otomo Ryuji [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

"That is a commendable service you provide to the refugees." Ryuji started as he pushed his hair back from his face.

"You have such passion for your work. Have you considered what more you could do if had the resources of a lord and clan at your disposal?"

Author:  Mari [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

She chuckled dryly and shook her head. "I apologize. There is some confusion, but it's understandable. I am on Musha Shugyo, a warrior's pilgrimage. I am perfectly comfortable without receiving much in the way of credit so long as I fulfill my purpose. When my pilgrimage ends, I will return to my lord's side if they will have me."

She knew all too well what it meant to be in a clan, and under their power. But for now... no.

Author:  Otomo Ryuji [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

I absolutely will never understand such a notion of willfully abdicating your Lord and clan for some notion of "finding yourself". Be that as it may...

"Very interesting, Mari-san. During this time that the Empire is facing, what has your journey shown or taught you thus far?...I of course do not mean to be intrusive."

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

"An honorable pursuit. I am curious, as well."

Author:  Mari [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

"Most recently, it has taught me of how sheltered my existence tended to be on the fringes of society," she admitted. "I was not from a large town when I was younger. Many of the places I have served since have been isolated. To be surrounded and besieged by the spirits of the realm of slaughter is ... not something I ever expected to see. It has been... a rather rude awakening."

Author:  Yogo Sukima [ Mon Apr 27, 2020 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 LE] - A Strange Place to Meditate (Open)

"Interesting, Mari-san. I'm curious what you take away from this experience, then? Just that the world is more complicated and dangerous than you realized or was there more to it than that?"

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