Spirit War

[D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)
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Author:  Mari [ Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

Mari was hardly the only one to be here, but if she was going to be a ronin in a city of the Lions who expected every able bodied soul to aid in its defense, then she was going to have to be at this place of all places. Despite valiant efforts, the battle was nevertheless going to be a long, pitched struggle. Even early successes would not do more than blunt the forces of Toshigoku's advance.

And so she was here, in the spaces behind the city gates among the reserves and wounded, medical kit slung over her shoulder, scroll satchel and wakizashi at her side and wide-brimmed hat fanning water in every direction as she moved from person to person to check on the wounded of both the samurai and ashigaru alike. She might not have been in the front lines, but there were expectations to meet and appearances to keep.

(OOC: If your character is wounded in the course of any Late Afternoon event and wants healing, or to be among those providing healing, this seems like an appropriate time to offer it up. Hop in, request it, or help out.)

Author:  Kakita Masahiko [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

The Kakita's arrival was from a different direction than perhaps anticipated. All 74 inches of verticality came from the city interior, blood having seeped through the silk at the seams of his heavy lacquered armor. Someone--or something--else's blood were also splattered over his upper half.

Still, he smiled cheerily enough, and moved to where those with less grievous injuries to await treatment.

Author:  Mari [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

She was... well, frankly, a little shocked to see the Crane's massive frame coming from another direction. It took her by surprise, particularly to see blood over his body, as if he were wounded or coming out of a fight.

"Kakita-sama?" she said, bowing. "Has there been a breach in the walls to the West?" She kept her voice down. No need to rile the Ashigaru.

Author:  Kakita Masahiko [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

He waved his hand after he returned the bow. No use disrespecting the medic, after all.

"No, Samurai-san, nothing so grim as that. A portal disgorged a pair of creatures from Toshigoku on Friendship street, but the Kaiu cousins, a Yogo, and I put a stop to them."

Author:  Mari [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)


His idea of what qualified as grim was open to discussion in her opinion, but she didn't say anything about that and managed a small laugh. "Kakita-sama is too humble of the work that he does to protect us. I may have met one of those Kaiu before." There couldn't be that many in this town, after all. The wall was a mountain range and half the empire away.

She coughed and glanced to the others before speaking softly. "It is closed, this portal, yes?" Last thing she needed was to deal with more things from Toshigoku. She had more than enough spiritual troubles on her own. "Are you alright?"

Author:  Kakita Masahiko [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

"Oh, hai. It closed. Although their spirits returned to it first, having fled from their dead bodies. It was passing strange."

He thought about it for a second. "And not a little disappointing. One can't help but feel cheated when they don't stay down. As for me, I think that I will probably be alright, but something to stop the bleeding wouldn't be amiss."

[28 wounds total]

Author:  Mari [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

"You can never be entirely certain with spirits... They're tricky things," she said as she drew out a scroll. This man had helped to make sure that she wasn't going to have to deal with some awful thing from the realm of slaughter and all of those screaming peasants. She looked it over, directing him to hold still.

"I will ask the water kami to close those wounds. That will avoid infection," she said, right before the kami decided that they didn't like him being hurt in the slightest. Her eyes popped in surprise at their eagerness. "Oh my..."

( Path of Inner Peace: 31 Wounds healed. Seriously, they like him.)

Author:  Yogo Aya [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

Having spoken of a Yogo, a rather badly wounded Yogo stumbles her way to the makeshift triage that had been set up. She looked....a bit in shock and out of it.

(37 wounds total)

Author:  Kakita Masahiko [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

The sensation was strange, but not altogether unpleasant. His eyebrows rose in surprise, this having been the first time he had been healed by the kami.

"My thanks, Samurai-san. How...wonderful that was." He seemed a little lost in it, for a moment, turning over the sensation in his mind. Then he broke off and bowed to her.

"I...think that was the extent of my injuries, Samurai-san. I shan't take up any more of your time, I think. I have sake to reserve for some thirsty Crabs." He smiled, then turned to see the Yogo.

"Yogo-sama! We were successful, thanks to you. After Samurai-san, here, looks after you, perhaps you'll meet the Kaius and I at the Green Dragon? I'll save a seat for you!"

Author:  Yogo Aya [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

The Yogo sat down rather heavily at the mention of a seat. Running around in a blink panic with a huge gash in your torso was....not great medical advice.

She took a deep breath, and slumped her head a bit.

"I'm glad the bastars' are dead. If I had run again and they were still alive...."

Author:  Mari [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

"Shush, Yogo-sama...," the ronin said, defying the usual conventions as she directed Aya to hold still. She gave her the quickest of bows and drew the scroll up. "The damage here... I need to make sure that your wound is closed quickly. What manner of sword did those things use?"

She frowned in worry, keeping tabs on the damage, taking mental notes. She wanted to know everything about these creatures that they could tell, but first thing was first...

And apparently, though the water kami were willing to help, there were limits. Her eyes narrowed and she looked at the Yogo. "Would you allow me to offer you another prayer?"

( [urhttps://orokos.com/roll/802260]Path to Inner Peace[/url]: 7 Healing )

Author:  Yogo Aya [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

Aya nodded.

"Yeah." she agreed. "I think I may still be a bit hurt."

Author:  Mari [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 5:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

She nodded and started to focus once again. This time, the water spirits within the rain began to coallesce properly, and while she saw the magic knitting at the wound, she sighed in relief. She really did need to memorize that spell just to make sure her incantations were more effective, especially if this brief respite from imbalance were to end at some point.

Leaning back once the damage had been healed, she closed her eyes and bowed more properly. "Forgive me, Yogo-sama. I am Mari. Normally, I'd introduce myself sooner, but... these are not normal times are they?"

( Much better: 23 wounds healed.)

Author:  Yogo Aya [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

Aya breathes again, sounding much better. The wound had mostly closed. She was a little pale from the blood loss, but would probably be ok after a night's rest. (7 wounds left)

"So, in reverse order then:

They are not.

I am Yogo Aya.

A rather nasty piece of work, sort of a large wavy black serrated sword.

Yes, I'll join you for a drink."

She stood back up and bowed, dusting the dirt off her robes.

Author:  Mari [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 5:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

"It is good to meet you, Yogo-sama. Such a nasty wound. Please be careful with it. I don't like the sound of that." Black, serrated blades? The kami only knew what sort of foul side effects that might have. She really did need to read up on the subject more considering everything that she'd dealt with in her life, didn't she?

"I fear the fighting isn't done, but if creatures like that are at his beck and call, I don't imagine that man will find much support going forward." She still favored Kato in her own way, for her own reasons, but the Chrysanthemum was really getting on her bad side very quickly.

Author:  Yogo Aya [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

Aya tilted her head as the ronin suddenly went from medical talk to political. The sudden turn took her a moment.

"Ah, no, that's not true Mari-san. He will have supporters until the bitter end." she disagrees.

Author:  Mari [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

She sighed and settled into a seat. "I wonder what that says," she murmured to herself. But perhaps now was not the time. "What is the condition in the rest of the town? Has it managed to stay calm despite those creatures you spoke of?"

Author:  Yogo Aya [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

Aya shrugged a bit.

"The gates held. There was some panic and a few peasant casualties when the Tsuno litterally dropped from the sky. I haven't heard anything about the group that went out to engage the enemy." she offers.

Author:  Asako Ayanojo [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

Having had much the same idea as Mari, Ayanojo arrived. Rather than waste time writing out queries every time someone new arrived, he instead wrote out on paper 'Do you need medical assistance?' and attached it to the back of his wax tablet.

Author:  Mari [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D10 EE] - Triage (Wide Open)

She turned to take in the approach of the Asako and bowed. "Ah good, Asako-sama, your assistance is appreciated," she said, regarding him with a small smile. He might have been very difficult to talk with, but she sincerely hoped he had some decent gifts with a medical kit or, perhaps, even the kami.

Glancing back and then turning to the Yogo she nodded. "Hopefully we should hear from the sorties out into the main body soon. We will see. For now, we can only help and support, I suppose."

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