Spirit War

Stillness (D13 EM)
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Author:  Akodo Ren [ Mon May 04, 2020 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Stillness (D13 EM)

Ren stood atop the walls looking south towards the capital off beyond the horizon. She had sent a missive for the young Seppun Princess... And she stood waiting with a light breeze gently brushing through her robes.

Author:  Seppun Horonigai [ Mon May 04, 2020 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

"Ren-chan!" Horonigai says out loud from down below, with her hand over her face to direct the sound against the wind.

Then, she hurriedly climbs the stairs up, as if called to guard the wall. Once on the top of the wall, she leans against it, trying to recover her breath.

Author:  Akodo Ren [ Tue May 05, 2020 3:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

Ren smiles softly as she turned her head towards the panting princess.

“As effervescent as ever I see.” She gave her another smile. “Nothing pleases me more than to see you have made it through the fighting.”

Author:  Seppun Horonigai [ Tue May 05, 2020 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

"I did..." The Seppun replies, and retakes her full breath. She walks toward Ren with a serious face. Then, she drops to her knees, and bows her head, saying,


Author:  Akodo Ren [ Tue May 05, 2020 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

Ren looked with surprise at Horonigai... difficult as it was to surprise her... and reached out to lift her up, “Come now... that’s unseemly for someone like you...”

Author:  Seppun Horonigai [ Tue May 05, 2020 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

Slowly, Horonigai lifts herself up. "I have failed you, Ren-chan... I... I could only see that he would rest in peace."

Author:  Akodo Ren [ Tue May 05, 2020 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

Ren shook her head and gently and briefly embraced the girl in the process of lifting her up. "You haven't failed anything dear Horonigai... He did his duty. Nothing more, nothing less."

Author:  Seppun Horonigai [ Tue May 05, 2020 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

"He had once asked me to be his yojimbo... I... I know there was nothing I could have done, besides allowing him to go honorably." Horonigai takes a step back and looks Ren in th eyes. "Still, I owe his family, and you as part of it, my sincerest apologies."

Author:  Akodo Ren [ Wed May 06, 2020 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

She shook her head, "And I'm telling you... you don't need to apologize for anything. You bear no responsibility for this whatsoever. Don't make things more difficult for yourself than they need to be."

Author:  Seppun Horonigai [ Wed May 06, 2020 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

She nods. Sinking in the info.

After looking to the horizon for some moments, Horonigai makes sure there's no one listening, and confesses, at a minor degree of concern ,but still with some red coloring her cheeks. "Eto... I've also... ne... kissed another girl"

Author:  Akodo Ren [ Wed May 06, 2020 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

Ren chuckled softly at the sudden change of topic which was so vividly Horonigai.

"How was it?"

Author:  Seppun Horonigai [ Wed May 06, 2020 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

"Felt a bit overwhelming." She presses her lips and raises a hand up to cover her red face.

"I didn't know what to do. So I've... stopped. Also, I didn't want to ruin a friendship I always wanted to have for... well... desires... I guess."

Author:  Akodo Ren [ Wed May 06, 2020 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

"Wanting things and 'Desire' with a big 'D' aren't exactly the same thing Horonigai. We kinda talked about this in the past... but the flows of your humors that urge you to do things like that aren't rooted in someplace evil. They are rooted in your humanity... which is where both strength and vice reside. To cut yourself off to that... is to cut yourself off from both strength and weakness... rather than hone your strength and diminish your weaknesses." She replied.

"You simply need to find yourself... What makes you, 'you'. Then all this noise that runs around your head will hopefully calm down for a season."

Author:  Seppun Horonigai [ Wed May 06, 2020 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

Horonigai smiles sheepishly, and nods, "Hai, Ren-chan told me this before." She shrugs. "Maybe this is one of those lessons one only learn by trying over and over."

The Seppun wiggles her eyebrows and then leans herself over the wall after noticing she teased a bit too much. "Ne, Ren-chan. What'll you do next?"

Author:  Akodo Ren [ Wed May 06, 2020 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

Ren chuckled, “Between you and me... I tried those things quite a few times over the years... Usually an enjoyable lesson to repeat.”

She smiled and nudged Horonigai in the ribs lightly with her elbow.

“I’m not sure. Whisk you away somewhere and live happily ever after?” She said with a grin.

“Not sure my husband would be too excited about that though.” She chuckled.

Author:  Seppun Horonigai [ Wed May 06, 2020 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

"Ack!" Horonigai frowns at her with a cute grunt while looking to Ren and letting her slide closer.

She rolls eyes up at the comment, saying, "Steal me to you house, then. I bet your husband would love having me around... for a while"

After a few inward chuckles she shakes her head. "Like, two days."

Author:  Akodo Ren [ Thu May 07, 2020 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

"If that is something you would like to do... I would not be opposed." She said in all sincerity.

Author:  Seppun Horonigai [ Thu May 07, 2020 2:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

She blinks a bit and warns. "I'm trouble, Ren-chan. You wouldn't want that in your household. Specially with the Akodo. Things will definitely stir up after the upcoming battle."

Author:  Akodo Ren [ Thu May 07, 2020 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

"I have a bit of a penchant for trouble myself Horonigai." She said with a smile.

"All I'm saying... is that you've been through quite a lot in the past few weeks... It might be good to take a moment to find your center. I'm not suggesting you move in... but a visit, may not be a terrible thing for your soul."

Author:  Seppun Horonigai [ Thu May 07, 2020 10:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stillness (D13 EM)

"Un!" She nods again, smiling back at Ren. "A visit is something I can definitely do. Even so, get ready."

The girl inhales, and looks south once again. She already has her mind set on what has to be done.

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