Spirit War

[D9 EN] Blades in The Dark
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Author:  Bayushi Chen [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  [D9 EN] Blades in The Dark

Chen sat in the shadows between two buildings off the main area allowing his simple dark blue clothing to let him blend into the deep shadows surrounding him. He had a list of names to investigate and possibly eliminate. His bow on his back his arrows coated for extra lethality and a few vials of dripping poison in a pouch tied to his waist.

He had sent word to another that would be interested and here he sat waiting for their arrival before they begin their hunt.

Author:  Shosuro Kitamaru [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 EN] Blades in The Dark

Kitamaru wasn't far away, ready to perform the duty of the Scorpion. Wearing a cloak over armor, armed with his daisho, he'd rely on Chen to cover him if need be.

Author:  Mindshred [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 EN] Blades in The Dark

The first of their targets was Matsu Mohave, who was stationed as night patrol on the city walls. From down below they could see him at his post, watching out to the east with stoic resolve (or boredom, it was hard to tell).

Author:  Shosuro Kitamaru [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 EN] Blades in The Dark

Acting strangely.

This Lion didn't appear to be acting strangely. Though surveillance required patience. Kitamaru waited, hidden above the Lion on a roof so he could look down to see the target, and across the street to see Chen on the opposite roof.

Author:  Mindshred [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 EN] Blades in The Dark

The Lion stands guard for half an hour, only pausing to shout at some ashigaru who had fallen asleep while on watch. He grabs one by the back of the head, punches him once in the face, then releases the man to tend to his broken nose as the other heimin stare off into the distance with renewed vigor.

Author:  Shosuro Kitamaru [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 EN] Blades in The Dark

Didn't seem to be too unusual. Tensions were high, after all.

Kitamaru watched the area around. He wanted to be thorough before deciding this particular mark was a waste of time. He'd leave watching the Matsu closely to Chen, who had a better vantage point anyway.

Author:  Bayushi Chen [ Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 EN] Blades in The Dark

Chen for his part had a list of names and he had no qualms about starting to cross them off. The man went to maneuver himself as such that an arrow could have come over the wall at an angle to hit the Matsu and would aim his arrow for the neck to stifle any shouts of alarm.

Would like to sneak to a spot where as mentioned above a shot arrow could have come from the outside of the wall and would like to make a called shot targeting the neck.

Author:  Mindshred [ Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 EN] Blades in The Dark

The only place where an arrow could hit him and look like it came from outside the wall would be outside the wall.

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