Spirit War

[D7 - LE] Belated Beatings
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Author:  Togashi Iko [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

Iko had left her practice late tonight. She was still a little worn out from the travel and didn't want too many potential witnesses to her sloppy form, but still needed to keep up her skills, especially with the army chasing them down.

So she picked up a bokken and began working through her old routines. Poorly.

D7 LE Kenjutsu practice - fatigue: 5d10o10k3-10 9

Author:  Isawa Somgai [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

Somgai had snuck in while she practiced, pulled out his instrument, and when Iko halted her practice, he struck a discordant chord.

Author:  Togashi Iko [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

There were few things that could so disrupt Iko's mind and soul like an off key note. IT garnered her attention immediately and she turned around to see a familiar face.

Her mood softened slightly as she greeted her observer. "Isawa-san, come back to embarrass an old woman in another competition?" She jokes.

Author:  Isawa Somgai [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

"I thought maybe I could provide the sound of your thoughts." He gives a lopsided smile. "Don't you ever feel that some moments of life could be improved if music that suited your mood was playing?

"And sometimes, such music might make you realize you shouldn't be in such a mood in the first place."

Author:  Togashi Iko [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

Iko laughed in good humour and gently tapped her index finger against her temple.

"In here Isawa-san, I hear the song of the Universe. My own personal soundtrack if you will, ever since a Winter I spent at Kyuden Agasha a few years ago. It's how I've been working on perfecting my arts."

"I appreciate the thought though, and to be honest, that tune was fairly accurate."

Author:  Kodama [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

Kodama found his way to the Dojo, in the hopes of stretching himself closer to his limit.

Okay, so it was because he needed to do something before sleep, or he'd wake up sore for days.

That's a type of stretching.

Author:  Isawa Somgai [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

Togashi Iko wrote:
Iko laughed in good humour and gently tapped her index finger against her temple.

"In here Isawa-san, I hear the song of the Universe. My own personal soundtrack if you will, ever since a Winter I spent at Kyuden Agasha a few years ago. It's how I've been working on perfecting my arts."

"I appreciate the thought though, and to be honest, that tune was fairly accurate."

Somgai played a minor chord and blended into another, major chord.

"The minor sounds sad, but I do believe we're majorly coming out of it." He smiles genuinely as the door opens.

Kodama wrote:
Kodama found his way to the Dojo, in the hopes of stretching himself closer to his limit.

Okay, so it was because he needed to do something before sleep, or he'd wake up sore for days.

That's a type of stretching.

Somgai plays an inquisitive note, then sees who it is.

"What a Fortunate meeting!" he says, overemphasizing the 'fortune' part. "A seeker of heroes meets a hero trained by a kenku."

Author:  Kodama [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

Kodama bows at being addressed.

"Ah? Oh? Oh yes, I had not been introduced I believe? One of your cousin's mentioned you Togashi-sama. I hope you and Isawa-sama are well and do not mind sharing the dojo's practice space?"

Author:  Togashi Iko [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

Iko pinched the bridge of her nose. Of all the nights to have her own little cheerleader, it had to be tonight.

After a three day march, Iko was beyond fatigued and it was easily visible to anyone who took the time to watch her, and she hated to disappoint an audience.

She offered a bow to Kodama before whistling a complimentary tune to Somgai's music.

Kodama wrote:
Kodama bows at being addressed.

"Ah? Oh? Oh yes, I had not been introduced I believe? One of your cousin's mentioned you Togashi-sama. I hope you and Isawa-sama are well and do not mind sharing the dojo's practice space?"

"Not at all Kodama-san. This is much more spacious than the facilities at Toshi no Omoidoso after all."

Author:  Isawa Somgai [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

"What is Reichan-no-kami's favorite tune?"

(Sorry if I spelled that wrong)

Author:  Kodama [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

He bows again in thanks, then moves to begin a series of slow stretches. They're a little uneven, but direct and done with care.

"Now that is a difficult question. For what situation, Isawa-sama?"

Author:  Isawa Somgai [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

Somgai hear the question and looks to Iko.

"For what situation, indeed?"

Author:  Togashi Iko [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

Iko looked confused.

"To lift his spirits in times of darkness?" She answered very apprehensively.

Author:  Kodama [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

"Oh. Well, if he was in a spot where spirits needed to be lifted and you could make noise rather than need silence." He tilts his head slightly in thought continuing to stretch his legs.

"Do you know the song, The Earth Moved When Last We Met?"

Author:  Isawa Somgai [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

Somgai plays the first few notes.

"Like this?"

Author:  Kodama [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

He thinks a few moments. "Hai. I believe so."

Author:  Togashi Iko [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

Iko nods along at the tune Somgai plays. It's a fairly common piece and he plays it adequately.

Her fingers tap a beat atop her obi as her hands rest there comfortably.

Author:  Isawa Somgai [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 5:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

He quiets his tune some.

"I think people have become too scared of spirits. It wears on us." He nods to Iko. "It need not be this way. It is not spirits that are the problem. It is humans, and only a select few, at that. What people face is a crisis, but it is not beyond what people can do."

Author:  Kodama [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

Kodama nods a little.

"Shinsei sought mortals to challenge a Kami. I cannot expect that mortal souls have changed so much as to be unable to make a change."

He stretches upwards, coming onto his toes a moment. "But the line between hero and villain is often invisible to those who do not know what the future brings."

Author:  Togashi Myo-en [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 5:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D7 - LE] Belated Beatings

Myo-en is surprised to hear music when she enters the dojo. A Lion dojo, too, of all places. She casts a curious look at the biwa player as she folds her jacket into a cubby by the entryway. It's a weird soundscape for a dojo... but not unpleasant. And Togashi thrive on certain kinds of weirdness.

She bows to the others, all of whom besides the biwa player are at least somewhat familiar to her. She'd seen Iko that morning, but is glad the monk has also made it safely to Nikesake.

Why is it that one-armed monks always appear in her life at the moments when war looms closest, though? That's an interesting mystery. She ponders it while she gives Kodama a quick smile and rolls out her shoulders, then settles into a slow-flowing kata series.

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