Spirit War

[D9 LA] The play's the thing
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Author:  Shosuro Sara [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  [D9 LA] The play's the thing

Sara sat with the manuscrpt in hand in the room. It seemed the most...normal of places to hold this brief discussion over the upcoming play. She reached out to those interested. She was slightly nervous...this was her first time directing a play, after all.

Author:  Yasuki Yukarin [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

Yukarin was excited. She tried to hide it, but as always, she was not very good at it. Sitting seiza on a cushion, she kept her hands on her lap and looked at the rest of the people gathered here.

Author:  Togashi Iko [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

Iko arrived, having paid attention to the word on the street she heard that this was where the Scorpion actress was organising her cast.

The Dragon was no great actress, not compared to those she had met before, convincing for an amateur perhaps, but that is not where her talents lay, not why she was here.

Offering a smile to the Unicorn beside her, Iko waited patiently until their host addressed the assembled.

Author:  The Shakanar [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

Acting? He knew how to act! Being in a play! What a novel thing! Excitement was aaaalmost breaking through his carefully arranged features as he slithered into the blue tiled room, where he had spent so much time yesterday organizing and shipping out books. He gave a deep bow of respect to Shosuro sara, as she was the leader in all this, and bowed to the others as well, keeping his words for now, but oh it was so interesting!

Author:  Kasuga Asakuro [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

As one that walked the Path of No Path, Asakuro had picked up at least some amount of skill in many things, the theatrical arts being one of them, though he was very much more a viewer of the fine pursuit rather than an active participant. Still, when the call was made for potential performers for a possible up-and-coming play, the Tortoise responded and volunteered!

And it was thus that he ended in the room for the gathering, giving the collectively assembled performers-in-waiting a respectful bow and a warm smile before taking a seat on one of the available cushions. Even one of the Naga, he quietly noted to himself, was getting involved - how excite!

Author:  Yasuki Yukarin [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

As people filed in, Yukarin bowed from where she was sitting, deeply each time, "Konnichiwa, minna-samas. It's an honor to be here with all of you for such an exciting venture."

Well, it was a very active statement, but at least Yukarin kept from gushing as she said it, and kept her smile from splitting across her face.

Author:  Shosuro Sara [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

Sara smirked at Yukarin's exuberance. "Konnichiwa Minna-sama. Let's wait a while, I extended the invite to a few more people."

She stood up and started handing out papers with the script.

"I will hand you this, but no need to start reading yet. I will go over the details when everyone gets here. I hope everyone had rice today? You will need your energy."

She seemed to be all business.

Author:  Asako Kashiwagi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

Kashiwagi arrived, soaked and grumbling but pleased that people were interested in the play.

Author:  Akodo Touki [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

Touki was there, his face as grim and serious as ever. Still, as he arrived, he gave Sara a bow. "Shosuro-san." He said, his monotone voice a little heavy.

He cast a glance around, recognizing... actually most of the people there. Iko was the only one who got eyebrows raised in surprise, though, before Touki took up a casual stance on the fringe of the group, arms crossed over his chest.

Author:  Togashi Iko [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

Iko looked up from the script as Touki entered and smirked a little at his reaction to her presence. She resolved to chastise him later about his assumptions about her.

Author:  Yasuki Yukarin [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

There seemed to be so many important people here... was Yukarin's thought as she looked up from her script. She would just have to be extra most bestest sure that she put her all into this and did her best. After all, she didn't want to blow her chance and end up the laughing stock of Nikesake.

Looking back down at the script she'd been given, she tries to absorb the words into her mind with a serious expression.

Author:  Asako Kashiwagi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

"If it isn't Shosuro Sara, perhaps the greatest playwright in Nikesake," he mused to the woman, though loud enough that all could hear.

"And so many great samurai have come to support the arts, you are truly blessed. Just pretend I am not here, as difficult as that may be, I simply wish to observe a master at work."

Author:  Bayushi Degarashi [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

At some point Degarashi arrived among those assembled. Or maybe he'd been there the entire time, who could possibly know?

Regardless, the Scorpion sat in an unassuming posture, taking in what information he could as he prepared to adopt the role he'd been asked to perform in this play.

At least, he was reasonably certain he'd been asked to. He'd received a letter about it, but he'd also once received correspondence for someone by the name of Iuchi Begaradeshi.


Degarashi sighed, pulled out his parchment and charcoal, and started working on another character sheet.

Author:  The Shakanar [ Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

Looking over the script, he blinked a little at the part chosen for him. That was....not what he expected, but he would do his best. He looked around the room, bowing a little to those who had arrived, but was focusing on paying attention to Sara and to browsing the script, brow furrowed slightly in concentration.

Author:  Kasuga Asakuro [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

"Adequately enough, Shosuro-san, and this one hopes you had some as well," Asakuro said as he accepted the papers. He gave them a brief look-over and a thumb-through before setting them in his lap until they everyone was present and ready.

Author:  Bayushi Chen [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

Chen had heard about a local performance being put on and decided to see what it was all about. He arrived in his usual red and black kimono but with his samisen strapped around his back and bowed to those present finding the Shosuro that seemed to be in charge of this whole production. He waited until there was a break in conversation to speak"Shosuro-san! I'm not sure if you remember me but I heard you were putting on a play and while I'm not much of an actor I figured I would see if you had need of a samisen player."

Author:  Togashi Iko [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

When Chen announced his indication as a musician, Iko took a little initiative and handed him a preliminary score.

"Bayushi-san, do you think you can work with this?"

LA 9 - Scoring the Play (Composer/Awa, 5CR VP) TN40: 9d10o10k5+5 52

Author:  Bayushi Chen [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

He nodded and looked at the score, studying it for a moment before pulling out his samisen and sitting down with the music looking at the string parts.

After some time tuning and experimentally plucking strings he went into the tune in earnest his bachi fluttering across the strings with a practiced hand. It was not quite played as well as it was written but it was played with some competence.


D9 playing the score vp +1k1: 6d10o10k5 30

Author:  Togashi Iko [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

Iko closes her eyes and bobs along with the tune. It wasn't her call on whether it was sufficient for Sara's purpose, but it was technically proficient, if not as flamboyant as the artists Iko normally worked with.

"Quite satisfactory Bayushi-san." Iko speaks softly in an honest appraisal of his performance.

Author:  Shosuro Sara [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [D9 LA] The play's the thing

"Konnichiwa Asako-sama, thank you for coming." She waved at everyone. "Minna-sama, Asako-sama is the original author of the play, I am merely his editor of the stage to make it a proper presentation. Thank you everyone for coming."

She took a deep breath. "We are in tense times. The Empire is in turbulent times. While a play might seem frivoulous at this point in time, your presence indicates what I and Asako-sama already knew. The samurai here currently crave culture and the arts, crave the stability we can provide them. And provide it we shall do. This play speaks to the base nature of us, as vassals of the Empire. It will be transcendent, reaching everyone." She gestured towards the lone Naga. "It will be bold, and brave, and win over everyone. That is our goal. No barriers of finicky bias shall be left after we finish."

She continued handing out papers, as well as dropping off a version of the script at Kashiwagi.

"Arigatou Bayushi-san, music is very important for theatre. Ah, Togashi-san, you are quite proactive. Great news! Can you work with Akodo-san" she waved at Touki "And Bayushi-san on putting together some usic for the first two scenes, as per the script? I'll join you in a few minutes."

She indicated towards a tea tray with some sweets. "Some light green tea can be found there in case anyone is inclined. I know you are all busy, so I will try to cram everything into this short time!"

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