Spirit War

D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)
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Author:  Kasuga Seitouna [ Tue May 05, 2020 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

With matters having calmed greatly, Seitouna returns to the cafe on the Street of Scrolls he has come to favor. Once again, he orders too-steeped tea and sets out parchment and charcoal, thinking to draft notes.

But he sits long, staring, and sipping at the tea when it cools. Considering the increasing activity of the streets, he ponders his present condition--and how he can work to improve upon it.

Maybe I will follow up on Ikoma-chiji's suggestion, he thinks, now that there's time.

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Tue May 05, 2020 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

Yuka and Ha arrive, Yuko sends Ha to get something for herself and sits near by. She then approached the Tortoise and bows, "Kasuga-sama, I hope you are well this day."

Author:  Kasuga Seitouna [ Tue May 05, 2020 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

Seitouna stands to return the bow.

"Moshi-san, I am better for having you here. Please, join me; the tamago here is particularly good."

And he resumes his seat, gesturing to that opposite him.

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Tue May 05, 2020 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

Yuko folds herself down. "Thank you for the invitation, Kasuga-sama. This one wishes to learn from your skills at writing to improve her own."

Author:  Kasuga Seitouna [ Tue May 05, 2020 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

"Oh? I'm not sure I've done enough to deserve such flattery," he replies, a grin touching his lips that belies the words. "Unless...what of mine have you read, Moshi-san?"

Because what writer is not interested in the answer to that question?

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Tue May 05, 2020 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

"Only what I have been able to find here," she gestured to the Street of Scrolls, "Kasuga-sama. Which is sadly limited." She places two scrolls on the table.

"I hope to be as well recognized someday. I am planning a history of the Abbess Kayou and an introduction to the Order she founded to encourage its spread. Though I did not have the change to meet her, several of my sisters did and she was very supportive of the Moshi so we must be supportive in return, ne?"

Author:  Kasuga Seitouna [ Tue May 05, 2020 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

"I did not have occasion to meet the Abbess, either, so I cannot attest to her beyond what I heard her say in court. But I will happily report that to you, of course."

He glances at the scrolls, seeing if he can pick out the titles.

"But hers was a worthy cause, worth celebrating. I shall be pleased to read your work when it is done and available."

He gestures to a server. The server, who has had the Tortoise in the shop often enough, nods and, presumably, begins working on the order.

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Tue May 05, 2020 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

"That would be very helpful as they were her last public statements, perhaps they will curry some favor with the Empress," says Yuko. "Imperial recognition or even sponsorship of the Order would go a long way in establishing it firmly in the Empire,"

Author:  Kasuga Seitouna [ Tue May 05, 2020 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

Seitouna nods. "Then I am happy to add my recollections. Although would that not be somewhat at odds with your Family's usual devotions?"

He raises an eyebrow quizzically just before more tea and tamago arrive for the two to take in.

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Tue May 05, 2020 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

"The Abbess was a devotee of Amaterasu-no-Kami as well as the Tao, Kasuga-sama," says Yuko. "Surely no one can object to the Moshi encouraging such,"

She takes the tea and inhales the aroma before taking a sip. "Domo."

Author:  Kasuga Seitouna [ Wed May 06, 2020 12:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

Seitouna nods.

"It is just that kind of thing that shows we need to talk more," he says. "Not just you and I together, though that is a pleasantry I hope to repeat any times, but our peoples. Both of us come from smaller Clans, and neither can afford not to see the other. More interchange between Tortoise and Centipede cannot help but help us both."

He takes a drink of his own tea, pops a piece of tamago into his mouth.

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Wed May 06, 2020 2:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

"Indeed," nods Yuko, "the Younger Clans should draw together. What we lack in number we can compensate for in specialized knowledge."

"And being on good terms with the Brotherhood would not weaken our position either."

Author:  Kasuga Seitouna [ Wed May 06, 2020 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

Seitouna nods.

"You have the right of it. Thank you for the lesson, Moshi-san."

He settles back slightly.

"Now, as to the writing, what all did you need help with? Just the materials, or editing, or what, exactly?"

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Wed May 06, 2020 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

"Materials I have, domo," she nods. "I am thinking that I need to find more people who knew the Abbess to gather her stories. She could become a good symbol of peace and unity in these unstable times, me?"

"Once done, editing would be helpful."

Author:  Kasuga Seitouna [ Wed May 06, 2020 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

"I'd be happy to ply my talents thus, Moshi-san. Much as spontaneity is valued in verse, in a narrative, more care and attention must be taken than many people realize."

Seitouna gestures to the scrolls. "Your work on the project so far?"

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Wed May 06, 2020 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

Yuko fishes out three scrolls. "This one is what I have gathered from people here in the city, this is stories I had heard earlier, and this one is what I have learned of the Order of Harmonious Work."

"The Abbess, from what I can learn, did not often speak of herself but more of things done by others, which she helped with."

Author:  Kasuga Seitouna [ Wed May 06, 2020 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

"That corresponds to what I saw of her in court. And it seems in keeping with her reputation, as well." Seitouna nods.

"How are you planning to approach the project? Are you looking to produce a single narrative, perhaps punctuated with others' comments? To present the commentaries with your own remarks?"

He leans forward again, curiosity about the project showing in his carriage and face.

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Wed May 06, 2020 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

"I think a single narrative is best, starting with the slaying of the Demon Wolf in Yogo lands and then ending with her martyrdom outside the city gates," Yuko says, quite animated. "With some commentary and a decription of the Order she founded and her goals of a productive and peaceful Empire."

Author:  Kasuga Seitouna [ Wed May 06, 2020 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

Seitouna closes his eyes as Yuko offers her description.

"You might use the testimonies to punctuate the narrative, with the information about the Order and her long-term goals bracketing the whole," he offers as editorial comment. "That, or intersperse the information about the Order and the testimonies throughout the whole, with your comments bracketing." He nods. "It's a technique I've seen used to good effect; handled well, it enriches the work through context."

Author:  Moshi Yuko [ Wed May 06, 2020 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D13EM, Lucky Breakfast (Expecting)

Yuko nods. "That seems wise, Kasuga-sama. Perhaps the stories of her exploits can be used to illustrate her goals and that of her Order? It is a challenge but one I feel must be done."

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