Spirit War

Rain of Death event
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Author:  Ikoma Homura [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Rain of Death event

This is (I believe) the correct penalties for the standard bow (Yumi)

Round   Distance at start of Round (Ft.)
1          600
2          540
3          480
4          420
5          360
6          300
7          240
8          180
9          120
10         60
11         0  (no actions allowed on this round)

Range: Yumi 250'

For rain of death, if you have Kyu 4 or lower this is your penalties:

Round 1 is -Cannot fire
Round 2 is -Cannot fire
Round 3 is -5k0
Round 4 is -4k0
Round 5 is -3k0
Round 6 is -1k0
Round 7 is fine

If you have Kyu 5 its:
Round 1 -5k0
Round 2 -4k0
Round 3 -3k0
Round 4 -1k0
Round 5 fine

Horsebow: range 500' (min strength 3 - +10TN using while not mounted)

If your Kyu is 4 or lower
Round 1 -2k0
Round 2 -1k0
Round 3 fine

If your Kyu is 5 or higher, you can likely hit the SC from here (you're fine the whole event)

If anyone wants me to work out a different bow please let me know the bows range. If it's lower than a Yumi though it likely won't be any good

Author:  Daidoji Tetsuko [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

I can join if needed. Kyu 3, effectively 4

Author:  Ikoma Homura [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

For me I have no ranks in the skill. However I can add 2k1 to the roll and plenty of void, so I can do a base roll of 6k5, then void for skill if need be (with centre stance that's 7k6+4)

Author:  Matsu Chinatsu [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

For our Shugenja, Tempest of Air if you have it is great for taking out a bunch of Ashigaru (18) at point blank range. Fist of Osano-Wo if you have it can take out, I believe, 20, and you can also greatly increase the radious of the strike to wipe out a lot more.

Author:  Ikoma Homura [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

Matsu Chinatsu wrote:
For our Shugenja, Tempest of Air if you have it is great for taking out a bunch of Ashigaru (18) at point blank range. Fist of Osano-Wo if you have it can take out, I believe, 20, and you can also greatly increase the radious of the strike to wipe out a lot more.

The issue is you can't tempest until round 10, and the event ends at round 11. A lot of spells are only useful from round 10, which leaves very little time (and then you only hit 1 ashigaru per 5 foot square, so then we start getting into cone shaping issues...)

It's really tricky for shugenja. Don't think we have air shugs either

Author:  Matsu Chinatsu [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

Yes, but either of those spells can take out more Ashigaru in that one turn than one archer viably could through the entire event. Tempest of air takes out 18 ashigaru (if it does more than 5 damage), 20 if the GM is feeling generous with cone dispersal. Fist of Osano-Wo has a 20 foot radius, which can be beefed up to 30 for devastating results.

Tempest of Air is also a Level 1 spell so most shugenja could feasibly have it. That's all elementary though if nobody has those spells.

Author:  Osamu [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

I have tempest of air...

I also have fury of Osano-wo and ye old Stand against the waves if we can make that work.

Also reversal of Fortunes. If that's an option.

Author:  Ikoma Homura [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

Matsu Chinatsu wrote:
Yes, but either of those spells can take out more Ashigaru in that one turn than one archer viably could through the entire event. Tempest of air takes out 18 ashigaru (if it does more than 5 damage), 20 if the GM is feeling generous with cone dispersal.

Is this going by 18-20 Ashigaru standing exactly in conal formation? I guess that kinda works then as long as you roll more than 5. It's 1 ashigaru per 5' square

Author:  Matsu Chinatsu [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

Osamu wrote:
I have tempest of air...

I also have fury of Osano-wo and ye old Stand against the waves if we can make that work.

Also reversal of Fortunes. If that's an option.

Awesome! Just definitely make a raise or two if you cast Tempest of Air to get better odds of getting more than 5 damage.

Ikoma Homura wrote:
Is this going by 18-20 Ashigaru standing exactly in conal formation? I guess that kinda works then as long as you roll more than 5. It's 1 ashigaru per 5' square

The event specifies that "Spells that have a wide area of effect will only hit Ashigaru; the samurai take cover and push the Ashigaru in front of any magical attack, using them as human shields. One Ashigaru can be affected per 5-foot square in the spell’s area of effect. Ask the GM if you have questions how many squares a particular spell will affect."

So... probably.

Author:  Ikoma Homura [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

I put the Tempest of Air question up for clarity

Author:  Shosuro Sara [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

Any shuggies have Water Cannon spell? Unsure of the official designation xD

Author:  Ikoma Homura [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

Mindshred wrote:
Ikoma Homura wrote:
Tempest of Air: Area of Effect: A cone 75' long and 15' wide at its end

How does this work on the 1 ashigaru per 5'? Do we assume there's enough Ashigaru for the whole cone length/width?

27 Ashigaru in the cone per cast.


Author:  Togashi Myo-en [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

They are mindlessly rawr-charging in the approved Toshigoku fashion, after all.


Author:  Matsu Mogami [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

Can someone double check my math?

Mogami is IR2 Akodo Bushi with 6.5 honor, Kyujutsu 5, Reflexes 3, Void 2
Budoka are IR0 Budoka with ?? honor, Kyujutsu 3, Reflexes 2, Void 2

Matsu Mogami wrote:
For Mogami: Always Akodo 1 for free raise +5 to roll, Always Akodo 2 for +6 honor to roll. Always use Leadership each round on lowest initiative
  • Round 1: Attack Stance, Attack 4k3+11 vs TN15 Target Ashigaru Damage (willow leaf) 5k2.
  • Round 2: Attack Stance, Attack 5k3+11 vs TN15 Target Ashigaru Damage (willow leaf) 5k2
  • Round 3: Attack Stance, Attack 6k3+11 vs TN15 Target Ashigaru Damage (willow leaf) 5k2
  • Round 4: Attack Stance, Attack 8k3+11 vs TN15 Target Ashigaru Damage (willow leaf) 5k2
  • Round 5: Attack Stance, Attack 9k3+11 vs TN15 Target Ashigaru Damage (willow leaf) 5k2
  • Round 6: Attack Stance, Attack 9k3+11 vs TN15 Target Ashigaru Damage (willow leaf) 5k2
  • Round 7 : Attack Stance, Attack 9k3+11 vs TN15 Target Ashigaru Damage (willow leaf) 5k2
  • Round 8 : Attack Stance, Attack 9k3+11 vs TN25 Target Samurai Damage (Flesh Cutter leaf) 5k3
  • Round 9 Attack Stance, 5 raises for extra attack Attack 10k4+11 vs TN40 Target Ashigaru first, then Attack 9k3+11 VS 25 Target Samurai Damage (Flesh Cutter leaf) 5k3
  • Round 10 Attack Stance, 5 raises for extra attack Attack 10k4+11 vs TN40 Target Ashigaru first, then Attack 9k3+11 VS 25 Target Samurai Damage (Flesh Cutter leaf) 5k3
  • Round 11: No Actions

For Budoka, using a borrowed Yumi:
  • Round 1: Twiddle thumbs
  • Round 2: Enter Center Stance
  • Round 3 Enter Attack Stance, spend void for +1k1. Attack roll 2k2+2. vs TN15 Target Ashigaru. Damage (willow leaf) 4k2
  • Round 4 Enter Center Stance
  • Round 5 Enter Attack Stance, Attack roll 3k3+2. vs TN15 Target Ashigaru. Damage (willow leaf) 4k2
  • Round 6 Attack Stance, spend void for +1k1, Attack 5k3+2 vs TN15 Target Ashigaru. Damage (willow leaf) 4k2
  • Round 7 Attack Stance, Attack 5k2 vs TN15 Target Ashigaru. Damage (willow leaf) 4k2
  • Round 8 Attack Stance, Attack 5k2 vs TN15 Target Ashigaru. Damage (willow leaf) 4k2
  • Round 9 Attack Stance, Attack 5k2 vs TN15 Target Ashigaru. Damage (willow leaf) 4k2
  • Round 10 Attack Stance, Attack 5k2 vs TN15 Target Ashigaru. Damage (willow leaf) 4k2
  • Round 11 No action

Orokos codes:

  • Round 1:
    Attack: 4d10ro1o10k3+11
    Damage: 5d10o10k2
  • Round 2:
    Attack: 5d10ro1o10k3+11
    Damage: 5d10o10k2
  • Round 3:
    Attack: 6d10ro1o10k3+11
    Damage: 5d10o10k2
  • Round 4:
    Attack: 8d10ro1o10k3+11
    Damage: 5d10o10k2
  • Round 5:
    Attack: 9d10ro1o10k3+11
    Damage: 5d10o10k2
  • Round 6:
    Attack: 9d10ro1o10k3+11
    Damage: 5d10o10k2
  • Round 7:
    Attack: 9d10ro1o10k3+11
    Damage: 5d10o10k2
  • Round 8:
    Attack: 9d10ro1o10k3+11
    Damage: 5d10o10k3
  • Round 9:
    Attack 1: 10d10ro1o10k4+11
    Attack 2: 9d10ro1o10k3+11
    Damage: 5d10o10k3
  • Round 10:
    Attack 1: 10d10ro1o10k4+11
    Attack 2: 9d10ro1o10k3+11
    Damage: 5d10o10k3

  • Round 3:
    Attack: 2d10o10k2+2
  • Round 5:
    Attack: 3d10o10k3+2
  • Round 6:
    Attack: 5d10o10k3
  • Round 7:
  • Round 8:
  • Round 9:
  • Round 10:

Author:  Daidoji Tetsuko [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

Just a thought but it probably makes sense to hold off on any TN40 rolls until we see how close we are to to victory at that point.

Author:  Matsu Mogami [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

with a static +11 it's really only TN 29

Author:  Daidoji Tetsuko [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event


Author:  Kodama [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

You need one more right?

(Kodama's not volunteering unless people just want me to give you void back.)

Author:  Seppun Horonigai [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

Horo has a 5k3 with 3 rounds of Void with a Hankyu. If that helps, let me know and I join up.

Author:  Osamu [ Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rain of Death event

So, anyone interested is matching up with a shuj. Not sure I can buff different people each round.

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